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Mr P went shopping and he bought......

(36 Posts)
phoenix Sat 06-Jun-20 17:56:23

Hello, usual good wishes.

Well, I have posted before about such topics as "when is a leek like a cauliflower ?" etc. and how my dear Mr P has been doing the shopping as although I'm only ( !) 61, I'm "shielding" due to COPD.

I would like to say that I really appreciate him doing the shopping, and also that I am fortunate to have him, however............

There have been some "odd" purchases (apart from the cauliflower/leek incident) for instance:

Bleach, when I had asked for toilet cleaner (Himself said that he thought they were the same thing, I said if I wanted bleach , I would have said bleach)

20 Sausages, mea culpa, didn't actually say DON'T buy sausages* (didn't realise I had to!) That sort of quantity is, I suppose, intended for barbeques, we don't have barbeques.

Chestnut mushrooms. I asked for some on the last shopping trip, none available, so he got ordinary. Fine, they did the job, but because he remembered that I asked for them last time, thought I might still need them (I dont, but can't bear waste, so feel soup coming on)

A swede. Yes, it was on the list. However at no point did I say that one the size of a football was required. Current options are to take an axe to it and share it with a neighbour, or peel, boil and mash the whole thing, and put some portions into the freezer, except of course there may not not be much space due to the sausages, see above.

Chocolate, I love that man!

GrannySomerset Sun 07-Jun-20 23:21:49

But wouldn’t it be boring to get exactly what you had in mind when you wrote the list? Every shopping expedition must have you breathless with excitement waiting to see which misinterpretation is the winner!

In the far off days when DH did the occasional shop he never bothered with the unexciting necessities (washing up liquid, loo paper, polish etc) and simply omitted them. Never bought alternatives either. In fact was deliberately so bad at it that he was only asked in emergencies.

Coolgran65 Sun 07-Jun-20 23:33:04

I think of a Swede as a dainty turnip ?

jenpax Mon 08-Jun-20 07:18:31

My DH is quite good at shopping and often does major shops for 2 or our 3 daughters!
However my bug bear is that if he can’t find an item on my list he just guesses rather than popping me a text or a quick call to check ??‍♀️

Puzzler61 Mon 08-Jun-20 07:46:32

My DH has been the “shopper” in our house since lockdown.
He’s never cooked, and his substitutions for things he couldn’t get have been interesting. He’s a canny bloke though - he always brings me a bunch of flowers back so i wouldn’t grumble if he got inappropriate items. ?

Pittcity Mon 08-Jun-20 08:57:52

I shop for necessities, DH for "extras". He manages to spend more than me even though my haul feeds us all week and his just about lasts the weekend.

LightAmber Mon 08-Jun-20 15:55:41

I do an online shop which is delivered on a Wednesday. Every week I say to Mr Amber "is there anything you want me to add to the shop?" And without fail he replies, "just get what you think"

When the shop arrives and we're unpacking it, he'll look into a few bags and then with puppy dog eyes say "didn't you get any (rare, hard to find item) then?" hmm

mrswoo Mon 08-Jun-20 16:34:36

One Saturday years ago, my mother discovering that she had forgotten to buy eggs dispatched my dad to Tesco just as the shops were closing. ( in the good old days when supermarkets weren’t open 24/7). He was of the generation of men that was not overly used to food shopping but he came home as proud as punch having “rushed in, grabbed the eggs and left just as they were closing up”.
Next day, a Sunday, my mum needed to use the eggs. They looked normal - half a dozen speckled things in one of those clear plastic boxes. She picked one up, tried to crack it, tried and tried to crack it but it was absolutely solid. She tried them all but none would crack. My mother had a very sensitive stomach and a very vivid imagination. She could only think that all the eggs were rotten and had somehow fossilised and that thought had her heaving into the kitchen sink imagining the vile smell if they had cracked.
Eventually when she had given up any idea of cooking with eggs that day I had a look at the egg box ..... and read that they were 100% sugar eggs especially for Easter.
My father escaped a “telling off” for buying sweets not eggs as my mother was somewhat embarrassed by the kitchen sink drama that she had created.

AGAA4 Mon 08-Jun-20 16:38:52

Doodle. grin grin

Granny23 Tue 09-Jun-20 08:28:52

* MRS WOO* Great story grin

JackyB Tue 09-Jun-20 10:05:53

Thinking about that huge swede (fans self at the thought) ahem, I mean The vegetable, reminded me that you used to be able to ask on the market stall for half a cabbage, or half of most things - even a peach!