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The things we do

(71 Posts)
BlueBelle Wed 20-Jan-21 15:51:08

Is anyone as daft as me
When I m looking in the mirror doing my hair or putting makeup on I find myself putting a smile on (do I think I look better with a smile)
When I step on the scales I unconsciously take a big breath in and stand up straight ..... what a difference that makes ?
If I inadvertently step on an insect I apologise (out loud) usually ‘oh sorry mate’ ..........but it’s dead and I know it’s dead, it can’t hear me and it doesn’t speak English anyway ???

Do you do things that don’t really make much sense

Twopence Thu 21-Jan-21 10:10:53

I find myself knitting faster when I'm coming to the end of a ball of wool, to make sure it doesn't run out before the end of the row!!!

olliebeak Thu 21-Jan-21 10:18:13


As a family we all ducked when the car we sitting in went under a low bridge!

When I'm in a car, and the driver is having to negotiate a narrow space, I say out loud "Everybody breathe in!".

Can't pass dogs or cats - in people's gardens / streets - without speaking to them.

Even today, if I'm with my adult children, I STILL - without a word being said - just hold out my hand for any sweet wrappers etc to put into my pocket till we get home ........................ even worse, they automatically KNOW that I'll do it wink!

ALL my grandkids - even the 22 year old - still get asked, "Does anybody need the toilet BEFORE we leave home? Speak now, or forever hold your wee!". They think it's hilarious because, these days, they know darn well that it's ME who'll be the first to be looking for a loo blush.

I ALWAYS carry a packet of tissues and a travel pack of face/baby wipes in my hand-bag - I've actually turned into MY MOTHER!

Luckygirl Thu 21-Jan-21 10:25:17

olliebeak - as long as you don't spit on a hanky and wipe their faces! grin

Paperbackwriter Thu 21-Jan-21 10:26:33

I like the self-service tills too! I pretend I'm playing shops. But I - like others on here - also get cross with them and Have A Word.

dolphindaisy Thu 21-Jan-21 10:30:49


I find myself knitting faster when I'm coming to the end of a ball of wool, to make sure it doesn't run out before the end of the row!!!

I do exactly the same thing, was going to post the same message!!!!

Bathsheba Thu 21-Jan-21 10:45:51

I not only lean to the left when approaching cars are too close, but I duck when I drive under a low bridge grin.

And yes, BlueBelle, I too always apologise if I inadvertently tread on a little creature - oh that horrible crunch when it's a snail sad

I always say thank you to Alexa, and often tell her off as well when she misunderstands me, or goes on and on about something grin

I always correct anyone on TV who uses poor pronunciation or bad grammar - I will shout if anyone dares to say 'less' instead of 'fewer' grin

nipsmum Thu 21-Jan-21 10:47:11

I don't have an A!exa but always say please and thank you to the one in my daughters house . I also thank the bank machine. Tell my dogs I won't be long when I'm going to the supermarket.

Moggycuddler Thu 21-Jan-21 10:51:40

Well, I talk to myself a lot (and I don't live alone either.) My husband will often shout from the living room when I am in the kitchen "What did you say?" And I reply "Just talking to myself." I also chatter away to my cats all the time, but I don't really think that's daft. They seem to love me for it. :-)

25Avalon Thu 21-Jan-21 10:54:15

Not only the knitting twopence and dolphindaisy but when I the petrol gauge is on very low I find myself driving faster to get to the service station before I run out of petrol. Not that I’m driving much at the moment - only used up half a tank in 7 months.

GinJeannie Thu 21-Jan-21 10:56:05

I habitually take off my glasses when cleaning my teeth, and then put the glasses back on again to get in the shower! No idea why and have tried hard to break this daft habit!

Quizzer Thu 21-Jan-21 10:56:12

I have long conversations with my dog. Luckily she is a very good listener!

parkersheen Thu 21-Jan-21 10:56:28

When the self-serve checkout machine says "Thank you for shopping at Tesco" I always say "You're welcome. Have a nice day". Nearby staff stifle giggles.

grandtanteJE65 Thu 21-Jan-21 11:07:38

I talk to my sewing-machine, after all we are old friends, swear at the computer sometimes and chat to my teddy bears (even older friends then Mrs. Singer).

I talk to all animals I meet when out, not just cats and dogs. I have always liked cows and sheep.

I have been heard talking to plants and bushes in the garden and am quite threatening towards the cannabalistic roses we have here

Nannylovesshopping Thu 21-Jan-21 11:11:19

I too have amazing conversations with the spaniel, she always cocks her head when I say, what do you think? I thought everyone chats to their dogs?

Nannylovesshopping Thu 21-Jan-21 11:11:49

Oops, chatted

Growing0ldDisgracefully Thu 21-Jan-21 11:22:31

I do the same ball of wool thing, thank Google, who sometimes responds, as well as tell her/it to shut up when she/it pipes up without being asked.
I also apologise to any small creature I inadvertently kill, after all, they didn't ask me to ruin their day, but not to the bugs on the windscreen or the visor on my crash helmet - they should have got out of the way and not made such a mess which I will have to clean off.
I apologise to my car if I very occasionally grind her gears (note that the car is a 'she' and has a name of course).
And I always plant a kiss on the throttle grip of my motorbike after we've had a good ride (who is also a 'she', and also has a name).
I think we are all in good company on this thread, for being slightly daft!

3nanny6 Thu 21-Jan-21 11:33:31

I often watch quiz shows on T.V. I do not know all the answers
but can often answer some of the questions. I often get critical
of a quizzer when they cannot even answer something which
seems so easy. I will tell them from my viewing seat in my living room how useless they are. My dog is often lying on the sofa beside me and immediately I tell this person off on the T.V. she will sit up and look into my face and start being attentive to me. I then apologize to her because I disturbed her sleep. I am not sure if she understands or just thinks I am nuts.

timetogo2016 Thu 21-Jan-21 11:46:26

I always excuse myself if i belch etc even when alone.
And i told my old car she`s a good girl for getting us up that steep hill.
Dh just laughed.

b1zzle Thu 21-Jan-21 11:54:17

Oh dear. All of the above ...

Severnsider Thu 21-Jan-21 12:04:55

I talk to myself all the time and answer myself. And I talk to my car when I'm driving.

They used to say talking to yourself was the first sign of madness!!?

pamdixon Thu 21-Jan-21 12:27:26

So glad I am not the only one who ducks when going under bridges in the car!
I talk to my sat nav a lot (mostly I'm polite!) when I'm driving somewhere and have long conversations with my daughter's dog when I see her. She always leaps into my arms when she sees me and we all imagine her saying to me 'but why didn't anyone tell me you were coming'.
Are we daft? Certainly not..................

Jane10 Thu 21-Jan-21 12:37:43

If I accidentally pass wind in any form I always loudly blame my son. (He left home years ago!)

Helen657 Thu 21-Jan-21 12:39:08


I always pull my stomach in when I look in the mirror. Who am I kidding?
I have been known to talk to my car after walking through rain with a heavy bag and I thank it for being there.

I always say hello to my car when I go in the garage to get something out of the freezer, I even say “bet you’re glad you’re in here” when the weather is bad, & during lockdown I’ve apologised to it for not using it much! grin

pinkjj27 Thu 21-Jan-21 12:39:19

I always say thank you to cash machines when I get my cash out. No matter how many times I remind myself not to.

Alioop Thu 21-Jan-21 13:01:15

Always say cheerio to the dog as I'm heading out and to behave and have no drunkin mad parties while I'm away.