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(101 Posts)
Bea65 Tue 27-Jul-21 10:15:39

Was interested to note that some of us Gems identify with their astrological star signs on here...I was a social butterfly both at work and out socially but have somewhat changed my preferences to being "alone" more this age or current environment...people have said I'm not the same B! Feel I've lost a lot of self confidence and not sure how to proceed..thoughts{hmm}

Blossoming Tue 27-Jul-21 10:19:20

I don’t believe your time and date of birth have any influence on your personality and actions. Why would everyone born at the same time as me live exactly the same life?

Bea65 Tue 27-Jul-21 10:35:13

Actually 3 of my closest friends are born within a week of each other and we do have some of the same traits..and when 3 of us get-together, its a like talking up a storm ..fighting to get a word in edgeways!!

OnwardandUpward Tue 27-Jul-21 10:44:23

I am Gemini. I don't believe horoscope stuff, but it can be accurate how much people born at certain times of the year's personalities can be similar. I think perhaps due to the amount of light that gets through into the womb? Or the light conditions when the baby is born?

I am very much a hermit with few friends, but in social situations can be the butterfly with many (seemingly friendly) aquaintances. The reality is, I talk to everyone and smile but go home alone and no one calls.

tickingbird Tue 27-Jul-21 10:46:55

I’m a Gemini and have also studied astrology with The Faculty of Astrological Studies. We are all far more than our star sign but we do definitely have certain characteristics depending on our signs.

Esspee Tue 27-Jul-21 14:06:13

Oh dear. Do people still believe this nonsense?

cornishpatsy Tue 27-Jul-21 14:34:34

Are we saying there are only 12 types of people in the world?

Elegran Tue 27-Jul-21 14:47:34

If the dates of birth were not attached to the star sign, would they be considered as corresponding to that particular personality type?

And does the prediction take into account that it takes millions of years for the light from the stars in a constellation to reach the earth and make them visible, from the various stars in that constellation which are all at different distances away, so the light from them reaches here in different lengths of time?

That is not even mentioning that the stars have moved since the light from them began its journety, so that they wouldn't form the same shape of constellation if we could see their present position.

kittylester Tue 27-Jul-21 14:49:40

Well, my mother and I are both Capricorns and I hope I am nothing like her!!

Grandmadinosaur Tue 27-Jul-21 15:22:56

I too am the same sign as my mother and also know I’m nothing like her. Saying that though I am the sign of the scales (Libra) and have spent a lifetime battle on the scales ?

Anniebach Tue 27-Jul-21 16:03:40

I am Cancer, ruled by the moon, need I say more !

Shrub Wed 28-Jul-21 08:57:57

I’d rather believe in my genes!

Gwenisgreat1 Wed 28-Jul-21 11:22:58

I am Taurus - like a bull in a china shop? I do have some similarities to Taureans. My DD is Leo - the leader. When we talk, I sometimes wonder who is the mother and who the daughter, as a toddler I called her 'bossyboots'

tickingbird Wed 28-Jul-21 15:54:00

It’s amazing how people can be so dismissive about something they know nothing about!

Sparklefizz Wed 28-Jul-21 16:35:33


It’s amazing how people can be so dismissive about something they know nothing about!

I know tickingbird - it was brave of you to say what you did. I know you're right. I have studied the same. The trouble is, people just think of the rubbish in women's magazines and know nothing about the real thing.

Alegrias1 Wed 28-Jul-21 16:40:41

Do you have any mechanism whereby the relative positioning of group of stars, light years away from Earth, could influence the life of a child born on a small rocky planet in a minor solar system?

Or even any evidence that it does?

Elegran Wed 28-Jul-21 19:02:27

Thee have even been doubts raised about the original calculations of those relative positions, Alegrias - and each star is at a different distance from earth from the others in its constellation, so any error is in three dimensions, not just two.

Shinamae Wed 28-Jul-21 19:46:01

Well all I can say is that as an Aquarian I have most of those traits associated with that sign

halfpint1 Thu 29-Jul-21 10:18:05

Another Gemini here and you described me exactly

OnwardandUpward Thu 29-Jul-21 10:20:20

LOL Halfpint1

I'm sure everyone offscreen thinks I'm popular, but in reality I go quiet when I'm on my own ! grin It actually wears me out as I'm an introvert.

GraceQuirrel Thu 29-Jul-21 11:08:29

Astrology = twaddle!!!

Petalpop Thu 29-Jul-21 11:09:58

I was born on the cusp of Virgo and Leo -does that mean I have a split personality. I don't believe in any of it.

Annaram1 Thu 29-Jul-21 11:10:42


Moggycuddler Thu 29-Jul-21 11:12:10

I don't believe in astrology, it's complete nonsense and totally silly. But - yes, I do think I have some traits of my star sign, and my daughter and husband and other people I know do too. But that would be true of everyone, and we would also all have some traits of other star signs too. So it means nothing. What nonsense to believe, for instance, that every baby who was born on the same day as my daughter (or even within the same few weeks) will have the same personality as her.

Riggie Thu 29-Jul-21 11:15:15


Actually 3 of my closest friends are born within a week of each other and we do have some of the same traits..and when 3 of us get-together, its a like talking up a storm ..fighting to get a word in edgeways!!

But isn't that more because people tend to make friends who are similar and have shared interests rather than being because of their birth date?