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Just for laughs

(106 Posts)
Yehbutnobut Sun 24-Nov-19 09:15:15

I think we take this Christmas business too seriously so here’s my contribution!

NaughtyNanna Tue 26-Nov-19 17:18:27

Crying with laughter at the little girl in Shysal's YouTube video. It will haunt that child for EVER. Sing like no-one's listening indeed!

NemoNanna Tue 26-Nov-19 17:23:37

Brilliant shysal that could have been me!

TommyWolf Tue 26-Nov-19 17:31:07

Shysal there’s a TV evangalist just waiting to be signed up! Loved it, what a lively little girl. TommyWolf

Jane10 Tue 26-Nov-19 18:10:51

Shysal grin
My DGS gave an unexpected big finish complete with jazz hands at the end of his first nativity play.

Grannyx4 Tue 26-Nov-19 18:12:11

Love it. I’ve not heard that one before x

Jane10 Tue 26-Nov-19 18:14:28

I loved this one. Might be of interest to rufus?

Saggi Tue 26-Nov-19 19:01:33

I’ve already text it to all my friends and family...,love it!!

Ohmother Tue 26-Nov-19 20:23:55

This is me! ?

Skinnylizzie Tue 26-Nov-19 20:53:09

Awesome stuff ladies, made me laugh out loud at the end of a long hard day smile

grannybuy Tue 26-Nov-19 21:35:56

Love this one.

grannybuy Tue 26-Nov-19 21:48:39

A clearer picture!

Jane10 Tue 26-Nov-19 22:30:38

So true!

agnurse Tue 26-Nov-19 22:36:00

grannybuy grin

arosebyanyothername Tue 26-Nov-19 23:52:18

That would be my sister in years gone by ?

NotSpaghetti Wed 27-Nov-19 00:49:10

shysal I'm weeping ???

Grannyknot Wed 27-Nov-19 08:00:51

This isn't strictly a Christmas joke - it applies at any time!

FranT Wed 27-Nov-19 11:43:45

When I first saw this on F Book, I must admit I chuckled & forwarded it, says it all about how I feel about Xmas, I am the female Grinch!

Rufus2 Wed 27-Nov-19 12:32:08

I loved this one. Might be of interest to rufus?
Jane; Why me? Believe me, I'm a regular sort of guy; ask any nurse hmm
But this might be of interest to you!
I recently bought, from a Christmas gift catalogue, a so-called motion detector light that you hang on the rim of the bowl (notice, no 'e') and which is supposed to light up when you enter and go off when you leave, but it doesn't work. I've tested it several times, but no go! Now I'm wondering what sort of motion do they mean! confused

Rufus2 Thu 28-Nov-19 12:35:33

grannyby; Couldn't you have posted an even clearer picture? It wouldn't copy/paste, so I've had to transcribe the text; "Three Wise Women"

would have arrived on time and delivered the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole and there would have been Peace on Earth.

And presumably, they would have expressed their thanks and given blessings to the Good Shepherd who would have previously serviced them and their machine and guided them to the right road, of righteousness! hmm

But not a LAMB casserole, please! Poor little defenceless thing. Hopefully those three witches turn out to be Vegans, or at least stick to their usual diet of frog's legs, lizards and newts etc. Bon Appetite.

Urmstongran Thu 28-Nov-19 12:52:41

I love this card for Christmas!

Grannyknot Mon 02-Dec-19 14:48:41


Daddima Mon 02-Dec-19 17:42:39

Another favourite of mine-

Namsnanny Mon 02-Dec-19 22:54:22

I love it too Urmstongran!!! Especially the baby Jesus so sweet!

SirChenjin Mon 02-Dec-19 23:04:52

Love that card Urm! ❤️

Daddima Wed 04-Dec-19 14:26:02

Just seen this one