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Huh, I could have made that!

(195 Posts)
StarDreamer Sat 16-Jul-22 16:09:57

Ah, but the people who say that didn't and that is an important factor.

Modern art is more than what is physically presented, it is about the thoughts that led to the art being produced.

Please discuss.

StarDreamer Sat 16-Jul-22 16:13:16

To get started

LINK > Carl Andre Equivalent VIII 1966

LINK > Carl Andre – 'Works of Art Don't Mean Anything' (3 minutes 56 seconds)

Septimia Sat 16-Jul-22 16:29:22

We went to an exhibition of modern art some years ago where there was a bridge made of books. It was only on closer inspection that we realised that the books were a set about bridge-building. then we could see the relevance. On the other hand, we spent some minutes discussing whether the radiator on the wall was part of the exhibition!

Some modern art is more design than art. If it's possible to understand the thought behind it, it helps. Unfortunately my mind is clearly seldom on the same wavelength as that of the artist/designer.

StarDreamer Sat 16-Jul-22 16:31:49

Many of us, being of fine vintage quality, may remember when the work of art became a major topic in the minstream media for a short while.

LINK > Equivalent VIII

StarDreamer Sat 16-Jul-22 16:36:19


Most of it is behind a paywall, but it mentions some letters, so that is a clue and the search begins to try to find out more "in the clear". Please join in.

StarDreamer Sat 16-Jul-22 17:00:52

LINK > Carl Andre Equivalent VIII Tate Modern London January 2013 (1 minute 59 seconds)

LINK > Notorious 'pile of bricks' art on display in Huddersfield (17 September 2011)

Grandma70s Sat 16-Jul-22 17:01:55

My DIL was a curator of pictures at the Royal Academy of Art for eleven years. (She is freelance now.) We see a lot of modern art. Some I like, some I don’t, but I don’t think my eye is educated enough yet to distinguish what is “good”. The children have been immersed in modern art since they were infants, so are quite knowledgable and have completely open minds. I’m sure they have opinions on the thoughts behind the art.

Smileless2012 Sat 16-Jul-22 17:08:28

Art is very subjective. What appeals to one wont necessarily appeal to another.

Our son has an art degree and teaches art in Aus. He's an accomplished artist himself (OK maybe some bias there but he is good), and I remember him some time ago explaining to me the intricacies of Picaso.

I had no idea how brilliant the man was until he explained to me what I was seeing.

I don't 'get' all of it, know what I like and what I don't which I think is the same for many people.

StarDreamer Sat 16-Jul-22 17:11:34

LINK > Revealed: secrets of the Tate bricks

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sat 16-Jul-22 17:16:00

It's nonsense isn't it? I bet if we all turned up to a gallery and laughed at such art the curators would say that we are too ignorant to understand modern art.

MissAdventure Sat 16-Jul-22 17:20:13

I have link to post with a very contentious view of modern art.
I'm worried it may offend, but I'm trying to work out how worried. smile
If I post it, don't click if it's likely to outrage. (It contains swearing, too)

MissAdventure Sat 16-Jul-22 17:21:33

I decided I'm not that worried.

Grandma70s Sat 16-Jul-22 17:22:15


It's nonsense isn't it? I bet if we all turned up to a gallery and laughed at such art the curators would say that we are too ignorant to understand modern art.

Maybe we are. There is a parallel situation in music. Some of the music we know and love (I’m talking classical here) was considered incomprehensible and hideous - and unplayable - in its day.

Ladyleftfieldlover Sat 16-Jul-22 17:24:08

I always imagine how a painting or drawing would look on my wall. I have never liked Picasso but enjoy looking at Miro and Magritte’s art. I also love pre-Raphaelite art although at the time it was roundly condemned! What I do find annoying are paintings which consist of just one colour painted over a canvas.

Smileless2012 Sat 16-Jul-22 17:28:07

TBH when I see a painting as you've described Ladyleftfieldlover I do think 'I could have made that'blush.

MissAdventure Sat 16-Jul-22 17:31:36

I have a work of Eminesque art in my bedroom as we speak.
An unmade bed.

I do see the artistic merit of her bed, though.
I like it.

Grandma70s Sat 16-Jul-22 17:33:33


I decided I'm not that worried.

Blimey, he’s not given to deep thinking, is he? I don’t find it offensive, just unintelligent.

StarDreamer Sat 16-Jul-22 17:34:01

LINK > T 1534. Untitled. 1966 (article from April 1976)

But they want £10 for a PDF document of the reply by Mr Morphet.

LINK > Pay wall for the reply!

Smileless2012 Sat 16-Jul-22 17:35:06

I'm impressed MissA. Do you think a beautifully made bed could also be considered to be Eminesque?

MissAdventure Sat 16-Jul-22 17:35:33

Well, I suppose it depends, much like art, on your take on it.

MissAdventure Sat 16-Jul-22 17:38:28

No, I don't believe a beautifully made bed could be Eminesque.
Hers symbolises her struggles with alcoholism and mental health issues.
Mine symbolises my current issues with my health.

HowVeryDareYou Sat 16-Jul-22 17:45:51

MissAdventure Love the YouTube link.

MissAdventure Sat 16-Jul-22 17:47:32


MissAdventure Sat 16-Jul-22 17:50:13

The point if conceptual art is that someone thought to do it.
We can all copy it, but we didn't think up the concept. (Not that I want to dance in a circle with my finger up someone else's bottom)

Smileless2012 Sat 16-Jul-22 17:52:13

hmm I think mine symbolises my OCD.