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Limericks - 3

(1001 Posts)
Bathsheba Mon 19-Feb-18 14:46:46

There was an old woman from Hull
In her garden she kept a big bull
He's an Aberdeen Angus and gorgeous
His dangly bits are really enormous
His coat used fifty kilos of wool!

My son has just bought a new puppy

Panache Sat 28-Apr-18 10:57:20

The cat's on patrol in the garden
Perhaps it thinks it is its warden!

Barberdice Sat 28-Apr-18 13:09:47

The cat's on patrol in the garden
Perhaps it thinks it is its warden!
The birds better watch out

Panache Sat 28-Apr-18 14:38:56

The cat's on patrol in the garden
Perhaps it thinks it is its warden!
The birds better watch out
When it is round and about

Jangran99 Sat 28-Apr-18 16:33:21

The cat's on patrol in the garden
Perhaps it thinks it is its warden!
The birds better watch out
When it is round and about
He'll eat them and not beg their pardon!

I much prefer the town to the country

Barberdice Sat 28-Apr-18 17:22:59

I much prefer the town to the country
Its suits my needs to put it bluntly

Bathsheba Sat 28-Apr-18 17:28:51

I much prefer the town to the country
Its suits my needs to put it bluntly
It's so handy for shopping

travelsafar Sat 28-Apr-18 18:58:26

I much prefer the town to the country
Its suits my needs to put it bluntly
It's so handy for shopping
Meeting friends and stopping

Barberdice Sat 28-Apr-18 21:14:22

I much prefer the town to the country
Its suit's my needs to put it bluntly
Its so handy for shopping
Meeting friends and stopping
To have coffee with my dear Uncle Humphrey

Its time to take the dog a walk

Jangran99 Sat 28-Apr-18 23:15:32

Its time to take the dog a walk
Around the harbour, to the dock

travelsafar Sun 29-Apr-18 06:39:35

Its time to take the dog a walk
Around the harbour, to the dock
He'll stop and sniff and cock his leg

Panache Sun 29-Apr-18 08:29:55

Its time to take the dog a walk
Around the harbour, to the dock
He'll stop and sniff and cock his leg
Before he meets a collie,young Meg

Panache Mon 30-Apr-18 09:13:30

Its time to take the dog a walk
Around the harbour, to the dock
He'll stop and sniff and cock his leg
Before he meets a collie,young Meg
And waters truly every other rock.

Sun is shining,skies are blue

henetha Mon 30-Apr-18 10:35:54

Sun is shining,skies are blue,
I wish I was going out today with you

JackyB Mon 30-Apr-18 11:39:24

Sun is shining,skies are blue,
I wish I was going out today with you
We'd gambol and cavort

Barberdice Mon 30-Apr-18 12:12:41

Sun is shining,skies are blue,
I wish I was going out today with you
We'd gambol and cavort
To you I'd give my heart

Panache Mon 30-Apr-18 12:36:21

Sun is shining,skies are blue,
I wish I was going out today with you
We'd gambol and cavort
To you I'd give my heart
And lovely memories we would accrue

Still that beastly northerly nip in the air

Elrel Mon 30-Apr-18 12:41:57

Still that beastly northerly nip in the air
When will we get days bright, weather fair?

Bellanonna Mon 30-Apr-18 12:45:57

Still that beastly northerly nip in the air
When will we get days bright, weather fair?
Here it’s chucking it down

Panache Mon 30-Apr-18 13:37:22

Still that beastly northerly nip in the air
When will we get days bright, weather fair?
Here it’s chucking it down
Hence no smile but a frown

FarNorth Mon 30-Apr-18 16:13:33

When will we get days bright, weather fair?
Here it’s chucking it down
Hence no smile but a frown
Let's all just curl up in our lair.

When Billy met Bobby in Beauly

FarNorth Mon 30-Apr-18 16:14:47

Still that beastly northerly nip in the air
When will we get days bright, weather fair?
Here it’s chucking it down
Hence no smile but a frown
Let's all just curl up in our lair.

When Billy met Bobby in Beauly

Panache Mon 30-Apr-18 16:17:25

When Billy met Bobby in Beauly
He was his usual self,quite unruly

Jangran99 Mon 30-Apr-18 17:00:23

When Billy met Bobby in Beauly
He was his usual self,quite unruly
He fidgeted and chattered

Barberdice Mon 30-Apr-18 18:30:15

When Billy met Bobby in Beauly
He was his usual self,quite unruly
He fidgeted and chattered
As if nothing mattered

Jangran99 Mon 30-Apr-18 18:43:47

When Billy met Bobby in Beauly
He was his usual self,quite unruly
He fidgeted and chattered
As if nothing mattered
He's the limit,really and truly

I'm off now to start a new rhyme

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