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Limericks - 3

(1000 Posts)
Bathsheba Mon 19-Feb-18 14:46:46

There was an old woman from Hull
In her garden she kept a big bull
He's an Aberdeen Angus and gorgeous
His dangly bits are really enormous
His coat used fifty kilos of wool!

My son has just bought a new puppy

Marydoll Mon 19-Feb-18 14:54:24

My son has just bought a new puppy
So now he has a new buddy

Squiffy Mon 19-Feb-18 17:39:43

My son has just bought a new puppy
So now he has a new buddy
They both drive me mad

jordana Mon 19-Feb-18 17:44:55

My son has just bought a new puppy
So now he has a new buddy
They both drive me mad
But now he's not sad

Squiffy Mon 19-Feb-18 18:13:38

My son has just bought a new puppy
So now he has a new buddy
They both drive me mad
But now he's not sad
Though I'd rather he'd bought a guppy.

The cat's in a mad frame of mind

Bathsheba Mon 19-Feb-18 21:10:58

The cat's in a mad frame of mind
I'm fearful she may have gone blind

JoyBloggs Mon 19-Feb-18 21:28:16

The cat's in a mad frame of mind
I'm fearful she may have gone blind
She jumped in the fridge

Rosieroe Mon 19-Feb-18 21:39:50

The cat’s in a mad frame of mind
I’m fearful she may have gone blind
She jumped in the fridge,
Whacked her nose on the bridge

Bellanonna Mon 19-Feb-18 22:08:42

The cat’s in a mad frame of mind
I’m fearful she may have gone blind
She jumped in the fridge,
Whacked her nose on the bridge
And has managed to burn her behind

I’m loving the lengthening days

Elrel Mon 19-Feb-18 23:57:12

I'm loving the lengthening days
As I greatly enjoy to gaze

Jangran99 Tue 20-Feb-18 00:04:32

I'm loving the lengthening days
As I greatly enjoy to gaze
On the first peeping flowers

jordana Tue 20-Feb-18 09:02:06

I'm loving the lengthening days
As I greatly enjoy to gaze
On the first peeping flowers
Just before the April showers

Rosieroe Tue 20-Feb-18 09:09:59

I’m loving the lengthening day’s
As I greatly enjoy to gaze
On the first peeping flowers
Just before the April showers
And the sun shining through a soft haze

I think that I might bake a cake

NannyTee Tue 20-Feb-18 09:14:58

I think that I might bake a cake
I wonder how long it will take

henetha Tue 20-Feb-18 10:03:55

I think that I might bake a cake
I wonder how long it will take
In my super new cooker

Squiffy Tue 20-Feb-18 10:15:45

I think that I might bake a cake
I wonder how long it will take
In my super new cooker
Which is such a good looker

Bathsheba Tue 20-Feb-18 21:19:28

I think that I might bake a cake
I wonder how long it will take
In my super new cooker
Which is such a good looker
It will be such a pleasure to make!

But not one morsel will pass my lips

Bellanonna Tue 20-Feb-18 22:08:04

But not one morsel will pass my lips
A girl’s got to think of her hips

MissAdventure Tue 20-Feb-18 22:12:29

But not one morsel will pass my lips
A girl’s got to think of her hips
Her legs and her tum and her arms and her bum

MissAdventure Tue 20-Feb-18 22:14:22

Oops! Think I did 2 lines in one there! blush

Bathsheba Tue 20-Feb-18 22:50:03

MissA grin

Jangran99 Tue 20-Feb-18 23:12:02

But not one morsel will pass my lips
A girl’s got to think of her hips
Her legs and her tum
and her arms and her bum
She also must lay off the chips!

My figure is not what it was

FarNorth Wed 21-Feb-18 09:50:26

My figure is not what it was
Too much has been passed through my jaws

Squiffy Wed 21-Feb-18 10:11:50

My figure is not what it was
Too much has been passed through my jaws
I had better cut down

henetha Wed 21-Feb-18 10:53:34

My figure is not what it was
Too much has been passed through my jaws
I had better cut down
On the lunches in town

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