Gransnet forums



(1001 Posts)
FarNorth Sat 29-Sep-18 09:05:11

There was an old codger with piles
Who found a cure in some very old files
A large bar of soap

FarNorth Fri 11-Jan-19 19:07:48

Wearing a white feather in her hair
And lots of thermal underwear
Was her usual way

Elrel Sat 12-Jan-19 00:19:14

Wearing a white feather in her hair
And lots of thermal underwear
She dances Swan Lake

Elrel Sat 12-Jan-19 00:19:57

Wearing a white feather in her hair
And lots of thermal underwear
Was her usual way
To pirouette and sway

travelsafar Sat 12-Jan-19 08:22:13

Wearing a white feather in her hair
And lots of thermal underwear
Was her usual way
To pirouette and sway
How she looks, she just doesn't care

My coffee's hot and fragrant

Jangran99 Sat 12-Jan-19 09:16:08

My coffee's hot and fragrant
I gave it to a vagrant

JoyBloggs Sat 12-Jan-19 09:25:18

My coffee's hot and fragrant
I gave it to a vagrant
Who gave a big smile

Jangran99 Sat 12-Jan-19 09:41:10

My coffee's hot and fragrant
I gave it to a vagrant
Who gave a big smile
And drank it up, while

henetha Sat 12-Jan-19 10:28:50

My coffee's hot and fragrant
I gave it to a vagrant
Who gave a big smile
And drank it up, while
Being charming like Cary Grant.

While eating pickled onions with cheese

Jangran99 Sat 12-Jan-19 10:30:40

While eating pickled onions with cheese
I gave an involuntary sneeze

FarNorth Sat 12-Jan-19 10:34:25

While eating pickled onions with cheese
I gave an involuntary sneeze
Banged my head on the table

MissAdventure Sat 12-Jan-19 10:53:09

While eating pickled onions with cheese
I gave an involuntary sneeze
Banged my head on the table
Which frightened aunt Mabel

Panache Sat 12-Jan-19 11:25:50

While eating pickled onions with cheese
I gave an involuntary sneeze
Banged my head on the table
Which frightened aunt Mabel
But the day then continued like a breeze.

A toastie goes down just so fine

Jangran99 Sat 12-Jan-19 11:31:49

A toastie goes down just so fine
But that's not what I'd choose to dine

Bellanonna Sat 12-Jan-19 11:35:42

A toastie goes down just so fine
But that's not what I'd choose to dine
My choice would be salmon

Jangran99 Sat 12-Jan-19 11:39:46

A toastie goes down just so fine
But that's not what I'd choose to dine
My choice would be salmon
Or lovely baked gammon

Bellanonna Sat 12-Jan-19 11:48:08

A toastie goes down just so fine
But that's not what I'd choose to dine
My choice would be salmon
Or lovely baked gammon
Washed down by some lovely white wine

There was an old grandad from Dover

Panache Sat 12-Jan-19 14:55:54

There was an old grandad from Dover
Whom was reputed to be quite a mover

Jangran99 Sat 12-Jan-19 15:48:59

There was an old grandad from Dover
Who was reputed to be quite a mover
But that was before

travelsafar Sat 12-Jan-19 18:12:10

There was an old grandad from Dover
Who was reputed to be quite a mover
But that was before
Some how he fell on the floor

Jangran99 Sat 12-Jan-19 20:16:20

There was an old grandad from Dover
Who was reputed to be quite a mover
But that was before
Some how he fell on the floor
And ended up tangoed all over

I went to the movies last night

MissAdventure Sat 12-Jan-19 20:23:01

I went to the movies last night
A horror; I fancied a fright

Marydoll Sat 12-Jan-19 20:33:55

I went to the movies last night
A horror; I fancied a fright
My hair stood on end

MissAdventure Sat 12-Jan-19 20:51:02

I went to the movies last night
A horror; I fancied a fright
My hair stood on end
I went clean round the bend!

Bellanonna Sat 12-Jan-19 23:33:33

I went to the movies last night
A horror; I fancied a fright
My hair stood on end
I went clean round the bend!
And all night I kept on the light

Tomorrow I’ll swim in the sea

Jangran99 Sat 12-Jan-19 23:37:57

Tomorrow I’ll swim in the sea
Afraid that's too chilly for me

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