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Limericks 6

(1001 Posts)
lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 03-Mar-19 09:52:04

Shall we start a new one?

This old quizzer wants to win big

henetha Thu 14-Mar-19 11:11:04

Olivia, an actor from Norwich
Was exceedingly fond of porridge
Made the scots way
She ate it every day

grandtanteJE65 Thu 14-Mar-19 12:43:31

Olivia, an actor from Norwich
Was exceedingly fond of porridge
Made the scots way
She ate it every day
but never, ever moved back to Norwich.

A fox had got into a box

Panache Thu 14-Mar-19 14:10:48

A fox had got into a box
The kind with rusty locks

lovebeigecardigans1955 Thu 14-Mar-19 14:16:25

A fox had got into a box
The kind with rusty locks
With a bang the lid shut

BradfordLass72 Thu 14-Mar-19 14:38:57

A fox had got into a box
The kind with rusty locks
With a bang the lid shut
Reynard was in a rut

Elrel Fri 15-Mar-19 01:00:59

A fox had got into a box
The kind with rusty locks
With a bang the lid shut
Reynard was in a rut
But got out when kids heard his knocks.

A woman dyed her long locks

lovebeigecardigans1955 Fri 15-Mar-19 08:35:58

A woman dyed her long locks
Shocking pink streaks, hey, it rocks!

henetha Fri 15-Mar-19 10:42:34

A woman dyed her long locks
Shocking pink streaks, hey, it rocks!
She resembles a flamingo

lovebeigecardigans1955 Fri 15-Mar-19 12:48:14

A woman dyed her long locks
Shocking pink streaks, hey. it rocks!
She resembles a flamingo
That's very trendy, by Jingo!

Panache Fri 15-Mar-19 17:46:35

A woman dyed her long locks
Shocking pink streaks, hey. it rocks!
She resembles a flamingo
That's very trendy, by Jingo!
Also chosing to wear stripey pink socks!

To be "in" was her one great desire

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sat 16-Mar-19 09:10:43

To be 'in' was her one great desire
For surely no pleasure could be higher

henetha Sat 16-Mar-19 10:08:02

To be 'in' was her one great desire
For surely no pleasure could be higher
'Celebrity' status she craved

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sat 16-Mar-19 13:53:15

To be 'in' was her one great desire
For surely no pleasure could be higher
'Celebrity' status she craved
'Look at me, look at me', she raved

Panache Sat 16-Mar-19 15:43:32

To be 'in' was her one great desire
For surely no pleasure could be higher
'Celebrity' status she craved
'Look at me, look at me', she raved
As her cap she set at the local squire!

This squire with a mill to call his own

Elrel Sat 16-Mar-19 17:37:11

This squire with a mill to call his own
Decided to build her a throne

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 17-Mar-19 08:31:01

This squire with a mill to call his own
Decided to build her a throne
In glory you will sit

Panache Sun 17-Mar-19 09:42:02

This squire with a mill to call his own
Decided to build her a throne
In glory you will sit
Unless we two do split

henetha Sun 17-Mar-19 10:08:39

This squire with a mill to call his own
Decided to build her a throne
In glory you will sit
Unless we two do split
Then I won't even throw you a bone.

Her brother-in-law lived in Kentucky

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 17-Mar-19 16:00:05

Her brother-in-law lived in Kentucky
He kept loads of horses, that's plucky

BradfordLass72 Sun 17-Mar-19 22:28:13

Her brother-in-law lived in Kentucky
He kept loads of horses, that's plucky
It rains a lot in that State

lovebeigecardigans1955 Mon 18-Mar-19 09:38:36

Her brother-in-law lived in Kentucky
He kept loads of horses, that's pluck
It rains a lot in that State
Which is something I hate

henetha Mon 18-Mar-19 10:18:28

Her brother-in-law lived in Kentucky
He kept loads of horses, that's plucky
It rains a lot in that State
Which is something I hate,
Cleaning the stables is ever so mucky.

So she went on the train to New York

grandtanteJE65 Mon 18-Mar-19 12:23:23

So she went on the train to New York
and bought there a pound of chopped pork,

Panache Mon 18-Mar-19 12:59:30

So she went on the train to New York
and bought there a pound of chopped pork,
Ideas of some edible delights

lovebeigecardigans1955 Mon 18-Mar-19 13:04:01

So she went on the train to New York
and bought there a pound of chopped pork
Ideas of some edible delights
Huge frankfurters, the sights

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