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Limericks 6

(1001 Posts)
lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 03-Mar-19 09:52:04

Shall we start a new one?

This old quizzer wants to win big

BradfordLass72 Mon 24-Jun-19 06:16:18

There was a short laddie from Bicester
Who had a very tall sister
She walked like a model

Juliet27 Mon 24-Jun-19 06:31:42

There was a short laddie from Bicester
Who had a very tall sister
She walked like a model
But he had a waddle

Bellanonna Mon 24-Jun-19 08:07:46

There was a short laddie from Bicester
Who had a very tall sister
They worked on the stage

Bellanonna Mon 24-Jun-19 08:09:56


There was a short laddie from Bicester
Who had a very tall sister
She walked like a model
But he had a waddle

travelsafar Mon 24-Jun-19 08:14:08

There was a short laddie from Bicester
Who had a very tall sister
She walked like a model
But he had a waddle
Because he had a huge big blister!!!

Beware of wearing new shoes

Bellanonna Mon 24-Jun-19 08:22:27

Beware of wearing new shoes
In particular when going on a cruise

Jangran99 Mon 24-Jun-19 08:48:58

Beware of wearing new shoes
In particular when going on a cruise
You'll need your sea legs

lovebeigecardigans1955 Mon 24-Jun-19 13:22:52

Beware of wearing new shoes
In particular when going on a cruise
You'll need your sea legs
Not wobbling on your pegs

Grany Mon 24-Jun-19 17:08:57

Beware of wearing new shoes
In particular when going on a cruise
You'll need your sea legs
Not wobbling on your pegs
Or you could miss all the sea views

I am out and about with my camera

BradfordLass72 Tue 25-Jun-19 00:38:04

I am out and about with my camera
And hoping to get first class shots

crazyH Tue 25-Jun-19 00:43:07

Well, that's very perceptive- how did you guess I wasn't British born!p?

Jangran99 Tue 25-Jun-19 05:27:58

I am out and about with my camera
And hoping to get first class shots
Do you mind if I change this line,('tho camera is a
hard word to rhyme!)

I am out and about with my camera
And hoping to get shots of the chimera

lovebeigecardigans1955 Tue 25-Jun-19 09:18:11

I am out and about with my camera
And hoping to get shots of the chimera
But I left the lens cap on

henetha Tue 25-Jun-19 10:01:33

I am out and about with my camera
And hoping to get shots of the chimera
But I left the lens cap on
So the chimera's long gone

Grany Tue 25-Jun-19 16:28:59

I am out and about with my camera
And hoping to get shots of the chimera
But I left the lens cap on
So the chimera's long gone
Now meeting up with my friend Pamela

I put the washing out

Jangran99 Tue 25-Jun-19 17:50:33

I put the washing out
Then like a waterspout

Bellanonna Tue 25-Jun-19 18:32:55

I put the washing out
Then like a waterspout
The rains came down

travelsafar Tue 25-Jun-19 18:38:11

I put the washing out
Then like a waterspout
The rains came down
It makes my face frown

Bellanonna Tue 25-Jun-19 19:08:39

But it’ll pour again no doubt

Bellanonna Tue 25-Jun-19 19:09:37

There was an old fellow from Cork

Jangran99 Tue 25-Jun-19 23:30:41

There was an old fellow from Cork
Who wanted to visit New York

FarNorth Wed 26-Jun-19 06:04:32

There was an old fellow from Cork
Who wanted to visit New York
But ten hours in a plane

travelsafar Wed 26-Jun-19 06:38:26

There was an old fellow from Cork
Who wanted to visit New York
But ten hours in a plane
Put his nerves under strain!!!!

lovebeigecardigans1955 Wed 26-Jun-19 09:10:51

There was an old fellow from Cork
Who wanted to visit New York
But ten hours in a plane
Put his nerves under strain!!!
He'd wished for a magical stork.

Walking out in his panama hat it rained

Jangran99 Wed 26-Jun-19 09:21:50

Walking out in his panama hat it rained
It's going to be ruined he loudly complained

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