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(1001 Posts)
crazyH Tue 05-Oct-21 23:51:07

Last line from Jangran99:

Now we need to start a new rhyme
It's almost midnight, is there time ?

Crocus5 Fri 15-Oct-21 11:31:58

Her dreams are different to many
She’d love a sandcastle by the sea
Alas it’s boring
She’ll go exploring
And finish with a nice cream tea

She likes to walk along the beach

GoldenLady Fri 15-Oct-21 14:21:46

She likes to walk along the beach
And look farther than she can reach

crazyH Fri 15-Oct-21 16:45:36

She likes to walk along the beach
And look farther than she can reach
The blue rolling waves

Jangran99 Sat 16-Oct-21 00:14:45

She likes to walk along the beach
And look farther than she can reach
The blue rolling waves
And deep, gloomy caves

Juliet27 Sat 16-Oct-21 08:21:57

She likes to walk along the beach
And look farther than she can reach
The blue rolling waves
And deep, gloomy caves
She likes to hear the seagulls screech

That’s not a sound enjoyed by all

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sat 16-Oct-21 16:45:39

That's not a sound enjoyed by all
Because it is a very loud squall

crazyH Sat 16-Oct-21 19:11:15

That's not a sound enjoyed by all
Because it is a very loud squall
Swoop down for our chips

GoldenLady Sat 16-Oct-21 20:22:46

That's not a sound enjoyed by all
Because it is a very loud squall
Swoop down for our chips
Snatched right from our lips

Juliet27 Sat 16-Oct-21 22:23:56

That's not a sound enjoyed by all
Because it is a very loud squall
Swoop down for our chips
Snatched right from our lips
Then they all break into a brawl

Now sparrows I don’t mind feeding

crazyH Sat 16-Oct-21 22:47:55

Now sparrows I don’t mind feeding
They’re cute and don’t do much breeding

henetha Sun 17-Oct-21 12:27:21

Now sparrows I don’t mind feeding
They’re cute and don’t do much breeding
Unlike local rooks

crazyH Sun 17-Oct-21 13:08:01

Now sparrows I don’t mind feeding
They’re cute and don’t do much breeding
Unlike local rooks
Scare me with their looks

GoldenLady Sun 17-Oct-21 16:32:20

Now sparrows I don’t mind feeding
They’re cute and don’t do much breeding
Unlike local rooks
Scare me with their looks
As if my mind they are reading.

A swan is a beautiful bird

henetha Mon 18-Oct-21 11:48:48

A swan is a beautiful bird
In Abbotsbury there's a herd

Crocus5 Mon 18-Oct-21 11:56:06

A swan is a beautiful bird
In Abbotsbury there’s a herd
So graceful indeed

lovebeigecardigans1955 Mon 18-Oct-21 16:13:43

A swan is a beautiful bird
In Abbotsbury there's a herd
So graceful indeed
A wonderful breed

crazyH Mon 18-Oct-21 16:31:59

A swan is a beautiful bird
In Abbotsbury there's a herd
So graceful indeed
A wonderful breed
Unlike the raven, that’s my word

He caws so loud, no friend of mine

GoldenLady Mon 18-Oct-21 16:57:04

He caws so loud, no friend of mine
And his music is no way divine

Jangran99 Mon 18-Oct-21 17:56:58

He caws so loud, no friend of mine
His music is no way divine
Symbol of ill-luck

Juliet27 Mon 18-Oct-21 19:43:19

He caws so loud, no friend of mine
His music is no way divine
Symbol of ill-luck
Fear my eyes he’ll pluck

crazyH Mon 18-Oct-21 20:19:02

He caws so loud, no friend of mine
His music is no way divine
Symbol of ill-luck
Fear my eyes he’ll pluck
And on that he will choose to dine

My knee, it’s been giving me some gyp

Hellogirl1 Mon 18-Oct-21 22:20:30

My knee, it`s been giving some gyp
It`s been competing with my hip

henetha Tue 19-Oct-21 11:07:22

My knee, it`s been giving some gyp
It`s been competing with my hip
Pain killers don't help

crazyH Tue 19-Oct-21 12:08:57

My knee, it`s been giving some gyp
It`s been competing with my hip
Pain killers don't help
I'll have to try kelp

lovebeigecardigans1955 Tue 19-Oct-21 13:36:22

My knee, it's been giving some gyp
It's been competing with my hip
Pin killers don't help
I'll have to try kelp
Or cabbage leaves on which I'll sit.

Uncle put walnuts in his pocket

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