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Zigzags in front of eyes

(56 Posts)
Ellie Anne Mon 08-May-17 18:32:31

Last night I started seeing zig zags in front of my eyes. I couldn't read properly. No headache or other symptoms. After 10/15 minutes it went away.
It may not be connected but a few weeks ago the pictures on the wall started moving about. This stopped after a few minutes.

goldengirl Sat 10-Jun-17 11:06:15

I get these occasionally but fortunately it doesn't usually go into a full blown migraine. Mine began when I was a camera operator - I thought it was the Control Room or my camera playing tricks!! They are a real nuisance if they come when I'm reading. For me it seems to arise from concentrating hard - perhaps there's a moral there!!!!

GrandmaMoira Sat 10-Jun-17 13:31:40

I get these as a migraine aura. I used to have them regularly at work, caused by fluorescent lights and stress, but rarely have them now. Pre menopause they developed into a headache but rarely do now. They have sometimes made me think there's a fire and I've been known to tell both colleagues and children that the office/house is on fire.

CR39 Mon 07-Sep-20 09:29:40

I am new to this forum. I was looking for crescent shape zigzag flashes in the eyes and noticed this post. It’s comforting to know that the opinion of most seems to be that is is not necessary serious. It happens to me when I read small print and often when on computer. Usually only last 15 minutes or so. Many thanks.

wildswan16 Mon 07-Sep-20 10:02:08

Glad you are reassured CR39, but do mention it to your optician or GP just to be on the safe side. You will be able to describe your zigzags better and they will confirm.

It is one of those fairly common things that we don't know about until it happens to us!

BlueSky Mon 07-Sep-20 11:28:09

I've had them for years. Didn't worry as I googled it and they said that's an ocular migrane. Also I have regular eye tests and CT and MRI for unrelated matters. Never occurred to me to actually mention it at the opticians.