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I didn't know I had hay fever until ...

(28 Posts)
MamaCaz Tue 09-Jun-20 17:39:44

It's taken lockdown to make me realize that I do actually suffer from hay fever, albeit mildly.

In the past, I just put the stuffy/runny nose and eyes and other similar symptoms down to 'fighting off a cold', but this year, as we have been shielding so haven't been exposed to colds or anything else, it has become really obvious that the symptoms must be allergy-related.
One of my sons has come to exactly the same conclusion about his own health!

Has anyone else found the same thing?

Purpledaffodil Mon 22-Jun-20 08:30:50

Thanks very much MissAdventure. Amazon here I come!

Ramblingrose22 Mon 22-Jun-20 12:08:57

Liz46 - yes it's post-nasal drip but I've read that hayfever can cause it because of the reaction in the nose to certain pollens.

Maybe the post-nasal drip has another cause. If it continues after September I'll know it wasn't due to hayfever.