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Elections? What elections?

(55 Posts)
MawBroonsback Mon 29-Apr-19 19:51:41

OK I have had a couple of polling cards.
But that’s all.
No election literature, no idea who the candidates are, nobody telling me why he or she should be representing me locally or in Brussels. Nada.
Frankly if they CBA , why should I?

Pittcity Fri 03-May-19 07:59:59

30% turnout here and two conservative losses. We have a useless coalition council here, but the lack of information from the candidates fueled apathy.

EllanVannin Fri 03-May-19 08:03:31

I didn't bother at all as it seemed futile knowing that the same party " rules " year after year, but this time I apparently got my eye wiped. Ah well.

varian Sun 05-May-19 11:31:17

Many of the people who voted in these elections clearly wanted change, but not, as both the Tories and Labour would have us believe do they want "deliver brexit". The LibDems strong "stop brexit" message is beginning to get across.

MaizieD Sun 05-May-19 12:26:06

^ We have a useless coalition council here^

I believe that you live in my home town, Pittcity. I left 40+ years ago but, as I recall, we've always had useless councils there! the town was dominated by the tories when I was young... grin