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Fox Hunting

(131 Posts)
Dinahmo Thu 04-Jul-19 12:07:13

Jeremy Hunt has announced today that he will hold a free vote on repealing foxhunting. Does anybody approve of this?

jura2 Mon 08-Jul-19 16:43:30

the underworld of Fox Hunting are not Tories but tend to support the EDL and other ult right groups- from my decades or working with Police Wildlife Officers and related groups- where many Hunts were active.

MaizieD Mon 08-Jul-19 16:53:19

It’s a very small number who enjoy killing wild animals for fun. Naturally, they’re all Tories.

Don't you believe it. When I worked in a school I would catch the 'ordinary' lads searching online for pictures of hares and rabbits being ripped to pieces by lurchers and positively gloating over them. In their out of school hours they trained their dogs to do the same and went 'lamping'. Also illegal... Certainly not tories..

In fact, most people who follow a hunt are highly unlikely to see a fox being ripped to pieces as it usually happens, (if it happens, they don't always catch a fox), in places that a horse can't reach. Most people hunt for the fun of an unpredictable gallop across country. I'm not being an apologist for fox hunting. It's had its day and should never be revived. I'm just think that we should be a bit less dramatic about it.

And actually, some of the 'Westminster elite', being wealthy and brought up with 'country sports' have hunted so know that some country people hunt, shoot and fish. (Neither of the last two are illegal, BTW)

jura2 Mon 08-Jul-19 17:30:36

Dog fighting, badger baiting - all very closely linked to Hunts and the terriermen who work for them - they close a blind eye. Most people who hunt have NO idea - the rest just pretend it isn't there.

Slowcookervegan Mon 08-Jul-19 17:36:09

No i do not

jura2 Tue 09-Jul-19 18:49:30

talk to your local Police Wildlife Officers, or local wildlife refuge/hospital - they know. They are represented at places like the great Rutland Bird Fair, and other wildlife Fairs. They have all the evidence you want/need.