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Joe Johnson & his Guardian journo wife.

(56 Posts)
Urmstongran Mon 09-Sep-19 08:30:58

Seems she wars the trousers. Gave JJ an ultimatum ‘it’s Boris or me’.

(Some might have said ‘Boris - you only have one brother but I could always get another wife’ - okay - message alert JOKE!!)

Turns out his wife is best friend of Boris’ ex (Marina).

She probably chose the timing of said resignation ‘for personal reasons’ too - to cause maximum damage.

You don’t come between a man & his family - it goes both ways (a woman & her family) you only do that if you want to cause maximum upset & what she has done is set out to cause this upset!!

Maybe it gets her some kudos at the Guardian newspaper but Jo Johnson needed to grow a pair & tell her where to go, despicable person!!!

M0nica Mon 09-Sep-19 14:26:06

What a nasty OP. Is that how your family relations are run Urmston

Everyone's decisions are made up of a bag of reasons: work, personal etc etc. and affected by a number of influences, but I see no reason why Jo Johnson shouldn't have made his decsion on his own taking into account all the facets that must affect himmwhen making such decisions.

GagaJo Mon 09-Sep-19 20:28:27


'it has got to the stage where I could not live with someone who would currently be a Leaver, and neither would he

jura2 that’s some statement!'

Neither would I. But the chances I wouldn't have married them in the first place. My politics (small p) are feminist, left wing, equal rights, outward/international looking (not inward to some imaginary uk 'golden age' which never existed). My family are multi racial and international. None of which fit with being a leaver, unless like Farage, you're a total hypocrite.

Urmstongran Mon 09-Sep-19 21:02:07

What a nasty OP. Is that how your family relations are run Urmston

Oh MOnica. ...

That’s a bit below the belt, surely?

I read something in a newspaper and post a thread. For further discussion.

Why on earth should it be about me or mine?


absthame Mon 09-Sep-19 21:09:45

Hmmm, I married a strong independent woman, 8 years younger than I.

I would no more demand that she does or thinks something, nor would she behave in such a manner towards me. But our political views are different, she is a staunch Tory while I am a pragmatic very left democratic socialist (some would argue that pragmatism and very left wing do not go together.) I am a fervent Christian whilst she claims to be an atheist. I am dyslexic and she is a logical thinker. We have the same family values and care very deeply for each other.

I believe JJ is moral and has strong political convictions one of which is the importance of the nation, I believe he also has a strong view of the importance of family. Basically I believe that he was in a state of confliction and was right to leave at the time that he did.

I think BJ is one of the most dangerous politicians of our time. He is bright, but lacks common sense, he has a short attention span, he lies incessantly, often convinces himself of the lies he tells, speaks and acts without forethought or planning and worse of all he is amoral, lacking any moral compass. Our country will suffer untold damage in his hands.

jura2 Mon 09-Sep-19 21:43:16

hopefully many more will go - nothing stopping MPs resigning or crossing the floor during prorogation, is there?