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Phillip Scofield Why all the Fuss

(440 Posts)
glammanana Fri 07-Feb-20 12:14:44

Why is his private life so important to everyone he is a lovely man and shouldn't have to explain himself to the media if he was the man next door would anyone be bothered I doubt it.

TerriBull Fri 07-Feb-20 14:02:14

I can understand why he's taken ownership of the story but I for one find Holly Willoughby, even more nauseating than usual, if that's at all possible. Declaring that she's never been more proud of him. Everyone is dead proud of someone in the public eye for bugger all these days. Maybe they should take themselves off to see the film 1917, a dramatisation of the horrific events that young men were forced to live through, to understand "proud" like the word "devastated"
are both overused to describe anything slightly out of the ordinary or unexpected.

suziewoozie Fri 07-Feb-20 14:08:13

ananimous I agree that the phrase ‘stupid fool’ is hardly adequate. Adult men in positions of power should not be any sort of actual or potential sexual relationships with 16 year olds. I wouldn’t use your phrase but it is totally unacceptable and most people appear to be judging it so. Prince Andrew also comes to mind - yea I know she was 17 - but same basic principles.

glammanana Fri 07-Feb-20 14:13:06

TerriBull such a good post I totally agree.

Greymar Fri 07-Feb-20 14:14:22

Well said Terri. What exactly is their contribution? Do they excel in sport, do they inovate and create, do they quietly and wisely go about improving the lives of other?

Anniebach Fri 07-Feb-20 14:17:24

Well said Terri

lilypollen Fri 07-Feb-20 14:20:06

Feuds with Holly/Ruth, he BBC can't dump him now can they?

May7 Fri 07-Feb-20 14:23:16

Well said compassionate comment I cant add anymore to that statement

Smiley4 Fri 07-Feb-20 14:26:40

I feel for his wife, he describes how much he loves her, she’s his best friend, she’s an amazing women, incredible person. And in effect dumps her live on TV after 27 years!

He then says they are staying as a family unit. So why come out at all. If his wife knew and his daughters, why couldn’t he just continue to carry on as before. Instead he chose to do something on tv knowing how much it would hurt those he says he loves the most.
I don’t get it.

TerriBull Fri 07-Feb-20 14:30:44

My outburst is probably due to the fact that I saw the film 1917 last night, I was moved by it and it's very fresh in my mind, whilst a dramatisation of events, we all know what those men lived through. Not to mention bravery today for example "The White Helmets of Syria" just one example, there will be many more. I can't help contrasting it with this piece of non news shock

Philip Schofield is a tv personality who is paid a lot of money to sit on a sofa to front a lightweight tv show. Seeing on line Holly, Ruth and Eamon fawning all over PS and uttering drivel, to me is just the usual c'leb fatuous fodder that we've come to expect these days.

suziewoozie Fri 07-Feb-20 14:31:34

Smiley do you really think the first his family heard of it was on live TV? Really ? Don’t be so daft

suziewoozie Fri 07-Feb-20 14:39:26

I could never bear to watch programmes like that - so superficial, false and full of that sort of self importance that celeb status seems to engender in so many of them Seriously why do so many people watch programmes of that ilk? I’ve seen clips and that was enough. One bete noire of mine are stories about celebs ‘brush with cancer/ death etc’ when it’s nothing of the kind. I see the headlines in those awful magazines when I’m queuing at the checkout

hulahoop Fri 07-Feb-20 14:41:49

I agree with you terribull can't stand all this luvy stuff and ho w brave they want to live in real world .

ananimous Fri 07-Feb-20 14:43:20

I'm just glad for his families sake that he is no longer living a lie.

timetogo2016 Fri 07-Feb-20 14:46:34

I think his wife has known for years and his daughters.
I thought he was gay years ago when he was doing Saturday morning tv.
I like him and that won`t change but I hope he doesn`t start being camp all of a sudden.
I wish him and the family all the best for the future.

Smiley4 Fri 07-Feb-20 14:53:20

Suziewoozie, no I didn’t think his family just heard about it on TV. he said he had discussed it with them already. He also said there was no one else.
People have a right to live as gay, straight, black, white, whatever they want. I just don’t think it’s a big thing these days.( My own cousin is gay and we get on great)

. I was just wondering why PS would do this to his wife, after 27 years!

Callistemon Fri 07-Feb-20 14:54:59

Have I missed something?

grannypiper Fri 07-Feb-20 15:03:47

Didn,t we already know this ? I used to live close to where he lives and i can honestly say he was not one of my favourite people to meet i the street. His wife always looked like she had the world on her shoulders, pleasant but sad

Greymar Fri 07-Feb-20 15:11:33

fatuous fodder, indeed.

Kittye Fri 07-Feb-20 15:18:51

What’s with this “ hope he doesn’t start being camp” or “ I always thought he was effeminate” business ?
Not all gay men are “camp” or “effeminate”.
Talk about typecasting !?

sodapop Fri 07-Feb-20 15:20:19

Tend to agree lilypollen keeping quiet has not harmed his earlier career either. Cynical moi?

Manmar2 Fri 07-Feb-20 16:01:47

Well said TerriBull - absolutely spot on!

Cherrytree59 Fri 07-Feb-20 16:06:49

I dont care that he is gay.
He will get lots of support and Pats on the back from all the luvies.

His wife of 27 years and family are the ones that deserve the support.

Desdemona Fri 07-Feb-20 16:08:22

Up to him innit. Not sure why anyone needs to "come out" anymore.

janipat Fri 07-Feb-20 16:17:55

He confirmed in the interview that nobody was forcing his hand, he'd decided to make the statement of his own volition. So all those outraged that our gutter press had forced him can now rest easy.

Grandma70s Fri 07-Feb-20 16:23:58

I’m astonished by all the fuss. I didn’t realise that being gay was such a big deal. I thought society had got over that years ago, and that now we just accepted that some people are.