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Dianne Abbott gaffes again

(132 Posts)
silverlining48 Tue 25-May-21 17:48:23

She has put her foot in it at times but it says a lot that she has continually held her seat fir so long. She must be well regarded by her constituents, but she is the most vilified female mp with threats of violence and worse online which must be horrible.

Callistemon Tue 25-May-21 17:46:17


Remember, this is from a woman who once managed to wear two shoes from different pairs!!!!?

I did that once (I went to work in them).

But TV reporters tend not to ask me my opinion so it doesn't really matter.

NotSpaghetti Tue 25-May-21 17:33:57

I understand from "real" people that she's a great constituency MP. I really think (sadly) she is not good elsewhere.
It's a pity people keep asking her to comment, I feel.

Nanna58 Tue 25-May-21 17:30:56

Remember, this is from a woman who once managed to wear two shoes from different pairs!!!!?

Chestnut Tue 25-May-21 17:24:46

She has opened her mouth without engaging her brain and if this inflames racial tensions and results in another murder then she will likely be responsible. Some hot-headed people may only hear half the story and act on impulse.

lemongrove Tue 25-May-21 17:00:18

Dianne Abbott said the first thing that came into her head ( as usual) why does anyone ever ask her anything, that’s the mystery!

tickingbird Tue 25-May-21 16:10:38

I see Ms Abbott has claimed the female activist seriously injured at a party at 3am was shot due to her campaigning for equal rights for black people. Turns out she was shot by black males shooting from a car - probably gang related.

I wonder if the lady herself would still want the police to be defunded seeing as they are working hard to find the culprits. Maybe if they had been stopped and searched before they were able to drive about shooting indiscriminately it wouldn’t have happened.

I wonder if Ms Abbott will rectify her initial statement?