Gransnet forums

Pedants' corner


(61 Posts)
GabriellaG54 Thu 09-May-19 15:12:28

I itch to (but have now refrained from) correct(ing) posters whose comments contain spelling errors which are clearly not typos.
I thought people of my generation had the sort of education which drummed the 3 'R's into us so thoroughly, that the lessons stayed with us for life.
Now, more than ever, I'm convinced that the above isn't the case.
Journalists are a case in point and a different demographic but obviously paid well above their capabilities as evinced in some of the online newspapers.
Don't people care any more or is the answer that more people have been diagnosed with learning issues/dyslexia than were formerly known?
I would have thought, as a generation more used to book reading than appears to be the case nowadays, that decent grammar and spelling might be more the norm.
Cue the excuses and barbs. grin

Cherrytree59 Thu 09-May-19 15:20:49

You are obviously feeling quite brave this afternoon Gabriella grin

Ilovecheese Thu 09-May-19 15:26:13

I think it probably is that people care less about spelling and grammar than previously. The important thing is to be understood.
It doesn't bother me as long as I can understand the word or the phrase.
I find lack of paragraphs a bit difficult to read though.

sodapop Thu 09-May-19 15:27:59

So many reasons GG vocabulary has evolved and the way we speak has changed. I agree it sets my teeth on edge when I see 'of' instead of have and 'loose' instead of lose to name two frequently recurring errors.
I don't think its important to most people and I wouldn't be crass enough to correct people but I find it irritating.

sodapop Thu 09-May-19 15:30:42

So do I Ilovecheese to the extent that I give up reading those long convoluted posts which have no paragraphs. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

GabriellaG54 Thu 09-May-19 15:39:55

I'm unfazed by anything anyone could say.
If it's nice, good.
If not, ditto.
I can bite bullets. grin
Each to their own opinion. To always agree is boring.

Ilovecheese Thu 09-May-19 16:05:04

I admire that about you GabriellaG54, even though I don't always agree with your posts.

Bellasnana Thu 09-May-19 16:33:47

GG54, you used a split infinitive (to always agree) in your comment! Tut, tut.?

wot Thu 09-May-19 16:38:51

I critisised a woman on Facebook once and was astounded by the angry backlash!

annodomini Thu 09-May-19 16:43:08

As one issue in the plot of Line of Duty apparently hinged on the common mis-spelling of 'definitely', I hope that those who have perpetuated this error will now realise that it is wrong to spell it 'definately'! When I got a new class of mature students, one of the first things I did was to ask them to spell 'definite'. As most of them were wrong, I then asked them to spell 'finite'; and the penny dropped!

Gonegirl Thu 09-May-19 16:46:14

I've spelt it "definately" before now. On here too! shockshockshock

GabriellaG54 Thu 09-May-19 17:47:25

It's understandable Gonegirl
If you were to pronounce definite as it's spelt: de (with an open 'e') -fi (with the 'i' as in in) - nite (as in bite) it would sound wrong to virtually all of us.
I think most of us pronounce it this way: de (open 'e') fi (open 'i') nut.
It wouldn't be correct nowadays (if it ever was) to pronounce it as finite with de tacked on the front. confused

GabriellaG54 Thu 09-May-19 17:49:26

blush closed 'i' as in in.

Charleygirl5 Thu 09-May-19 18:05:22

The occasional poster writes half or more of a page of A4 with no paragraphs and in some cases no punctuation and I can not read it or if I did, it made little sense.

Of instead of have, loose and lose and there and their are all irritating to me.

crazyH Thu 09-May-19 18:12:09

Why do people write 'could of' instead of 'could have' as in ''you could of phoned me ' instead of 'you could have phoned me '

kittylester Thu 09-May-19 18:13:01

I thought it was considered poor form to correct spelling and grammar on fora!

Charleygirl5 Thu 09-May-19 18:26:24

To do it personally, yes but this is a discussion.

Septimia Thu 09-May-19 18:47:01

I've done so much proofreading that any spelling and grammar mistakes are irritating - unless they're clearly typos or accidental.
However, when typing on GN most people are thinking about what they want to say, not about the quality of their English. This is especially true when they are distraught, so perhaps it's best to be a little generous about mistakes.

Riverwalk Thu 09-May-19 18:57:09

I'm always fascinated by those, usually new posters, who manage to type a whole page without a paragraph and use lower case i into the bargain!

Greta Thu 09-May-19 19:05:35

Why do people write 'could of' instead of 'could have'

The way people pronounce 'could have' make it sound like 'could of'. I believe good spellers are also good readers. Grammar is a mystery to many and I don't think consulting a dictionary/grammar guide is for them. It's like a foreign language - they just don't want to know.

Fennel Thu 09-May-19 20:11:15

It doesn't bother me if people make a few spelling and grammar mistakes. The main thing is to communicate.
I often make mistakes in writing, there are a few words I can never remember how to spell.
Anyway spelling of the english language is so irregular, ignoring many potential rules.
Gabriella I disagree with your view 100% grin.

GabriellaG54 Thu 09-May-19 21:00:55

That's fine.
I have always found fennel to be bitter. ??

MawBroonsback Thu 09-May-19 21:39:15

So my correction of your Potsdammer Place ( Potsdamer Platz ) was justified?
I thought it was but OMG did I get my head bitten off.
Do as I say, not as I do, it seems ???

Alexa Thu 09-May-19 22:15:17

Some writing is for expressing feelings and other writing is for explaining or instructing.

I'd not want a poem to come out of an Ikea flat pack. Oh wait a minute !

CanadianGran Thu 09-May-19 22:22:58

I think as a forum for Grandparents we should focus on the message and not the delivery of the message.

A lot of us unknowingly will make errors, or perhaps not be as good spellers/readers as others. I had to look up what a split infinitive was, then look up infinitive!
Granted, long winded messages with little or no punctuation can be annoying. But I would never assume to correct another person unless I was very close to them.