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Priti Patel, PLEASE recognise and use the letter G!

(95 Posts)
Witzend Fri 22-May-20 18:15:00

Honestly, I think some of them do it - that and dropping their Ts - in order to sound (as they think) a bit more ‘edgy’ or more like what they graciously like to think of as ‘ordinary’ people.

I swear some of the presenters on the Beeb now are instructed to drop Ts, whether they normally would or not. (‘We can’t risk sounding remotely posh!’)

Whitewavemark2 Fri 22-May-20 18:14:51

Blimey baggs unusual for you to get yourself into such a twist. You are usually so (apparently) laid back about such issues.

Patel drives me mad. I heartily agree with the OP as well as other comments about Patel. Dreadful woman.

Dinahmo Fri 22-May-20 18:13:01

Dropping the g at the end of words was thought to be posh - eg huntin, shootin and fishin

phoenix Fri 22-May-20 18:10:52

Actually, it was the radio, which doesn't have subtitles.

Baggs you obviously have a better memory than I , as I don't remember posting about Ms. Patels pronunciation previously, I'm perhaps become senile, "tiresome" or possibly both.

varian Fri 22-May-20 18:08:52

Actually her accent is the least objectionable thing about Pritti Patel. It is merely irritating. The fact that she is our Home Secretary and was promoted well beyond her level of competence because she was a true believer in brexit, is tragic.

As one commentator has said "She has a unique combination of viciousness and stupidity - ideal for a Tory Home Secretary"

varian Fri 22-May-20 18:04:49

Listening to Pritti Patel's slavish justification of everything this Vote Leave government, led by Dominic Cummings, does is cringeable enough, but her inability to pronounce any word ending in "ing" makes it worse.

Pantglas2 Fri 22-May-20 18:04:02

If criticism of accents is deemed rude, surely the same applies to diction?

Sussexborn Fri 22-May-20 18:01:18

Try turning the volume down and putting the subtitles on if it offends you so much.

It used to be quite funny when Tony Blair started putting on a Estuary English accent half way through his reign! A bit late to convince anyone that he was just one of us.

Wheniwasyourage Fri 22-May-20 17:51:44

On the other hand, we can say what we like to phoenix, who is such an unkind person for mentioning PP's irritating way of speaking, is that the new rule?

Wheniwasyourage Fri 22-May-20 17:50:12

Oh dear - I give up. Poor wee Pritti Patel; we mustn't criticise her as she's such a kind and caring Home Secretary.

Baggs Fri 22-May-20 17:47:28

Was English even her first language?

In short, get off her back, phoenix.

Baggs Fri 22-May-20 17:46:58

Yes, calendar, on the one or two occasions I have happened to hear something PP's saying, I've thought she spoke clearly.

Baggs Fri 22-May-20 17:45:59

And probably snobby.

Calendargirl Fri 22-May-20 17:45:55

Just listening to her now, hadn’t noticed her lack of g’s before you said.
She is very clear though.

Oh, just heard a ‘workin’ !

Baggs Fri 22-May-20 17:45:37

My frustration on this thread is because the same criticism of the way PP speaks has been aired before by the same person. It's tiresome.

Baggs Fri 22-May-20 17:44:21

No, it isn't sometimes necessary to listen to them. You can read what they have to say. It's what I do cos I find most of them irritating.

Wheniwasyourage Fri 22-May-20 17:40:31

I find Boris Johnson with his ums and ers and general waffle very irritating too, but there are some occasions, Baggs, when it is necessary to listen to these people who have somehow got quite important jobs in this country just now. As they are supposed to be able to communicate with the public, they should get advice on how to do so IMO. I don't know why you feel you should immediately attack phoenix rather than reply to her point.

mcem Fri 22-May-20 17:35:28

Trying ignore the sense of frustration but I agree ,OP.

Baggs Fri 22-May-20 17:33:25

Oh for goodness' sake! She’s not going to change the way she speaks now. Don’t listen to her if you don’t like it!

phoenix Fri 22-May-20 17:11:09

Sorry, I know it's petty, but her persistent lack of "g" on the end of "ing" words is driving me mad!

Travellin , workin, isolatin, breakin, etc.

Listenin (sic) out for these distracts me from actually focusin on what she's sayin.