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When your GC first shows they know you ...

(52 Posts)
Imperfect27 Sun 23-Jul-17 07:58:26

This is an unashamedly joyful post from a first-time-around nanny!

I live at a distance from my DD1 and her family and I only get to see my (only) GC roughly once a month - sometimes six weeks pass. He is now 18 months. In the past I haven't 'rushed him' to come to me when I arrive, - he usually takes a little time to warm up to me, but then quickly settles into my company. My daughter is very good about promoting the 'specialness' of 'Nanny'.

For the first time, when I visited yesterday he immediately reached up his arms to me, full of excitement and saying 'Nanny, nanny!'

I babysat last night - bit of bated breath as it was only the third time - last time a year ago! He had had an untimely sleep, late afternoon and woke ten minutes before mum and dad went out. I was anticipating a stressful evening, but he understood and was reassured when I said Mummy and Daddy would be back 'soon' and let me tuck him up in bed after about an hour and went off to sleep no trouble.

Still smiling from the joy of it all and the sense that he really does know me and remember me now ... Happy days.

Imperfect27 Thu 27-Jul-17 12:54:12

Of course she will Greengage! The wonder of it all is that we are given back all the love we give. And don't get me started on living life through a totally different lens ... can't even go and buy camping equipment for me and DH without picking up something for DGC -- bargainous £1 plastic 'Star Wars' fork and spoon being the latest (SIL will approve smile) So many simple joys await.