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AIBU to still want some sex in my life?

(36 Posts)
Jeanniegirl1 Sun 24-Feb-19 00:45:14

Sorry if this is too personal for readers, just feel at a loss what to do. I've been with my partner 2 years. I'm 54 and he's 10 years older. We don't live together but see each other twice a week. When we first got together sex was never earth shattering but we made love approx once fortnight. Just after the new year he decided that he's too old and doesn't want to have any sexual contact whatsoever with me. I've tried over last 6 weeks to try to relight his interest sexually but it's not worked. He just says he's too old now. I don't believe he is cheating on me. He says he loves me and doesn't want anyone else. I don't know what to do now. I'm not expecting sex daily but I feel at 54 that im not ready to put my sex life in the retired department yet. I really don't know what to do now.

Urmstongran Mon 25-Feb-19 10:36:06

Sounds more of a platonic friendship to me. I don’t think it’s going to get any racier.

NanaRayna Mon 25-Feb-19 13:14:00

Sorry to be blunt, but he's a dog in the manger. If he won't be a full partner to you, and doesn't want you to find another person who would fill that role, then he is being selfish and continuing this frustrating situation for his own benefit.
You are not being unreasonable at all. As a normal woman you are entitled to expect a loving relationship to include lovemaking. If he won't be a full partner to you, please don't deprive yourself of the happiness of being with someone who would.
Good luck! flowers

newnanny Mon 25-Feb-19 13:21:09

It sounds like what this man really wants is a friend not a lover/partner. I would tell him you will remain friends but will be looking for a more loving partner.

muffinthemoo Mon 25-Feb-19 13:31:28

Is he looking for a companion rather than a partner?

YANBU to feel that you want a partnership with a sexual element, and YANBU to move on from this relationship if it doesn't meet those needs.

luluaugust Mon 25-Feb-19 14:26:31

I am sorry but you do sound like a mismatch and you are not happy about it, three other ladies at least have had the same problem. It might be best to bring things to an end.

jura2 Mon 25-Feb-19 17:27:35

Agreed- time to find love elsewhere- stay friends if you can, but be free.

Very different if you have a very long term partner who becomes ill.

grandtanteJE65 Tue 26-Feb-19 11:42:22

You are definitely not being unreasonable. I am 67 and Dh 62 and we decidedly do not feel too old for sex.

I will admit though, that there was a while a year or so back, where my desire wasn't nearly as strong as DHs, but happily we got through that. (It had something to do with a death in the family, I think.)

I honestly do not know what you can do, except to point out as kindly as you can that your better half may feel too old for sex , but you don't and that it is not kind of him to make the decision not to have sex any more without consulting you.

Now, I'm the frank one who is perhaps crossing a boundary, so I apologise if your or any other reader's feelings are hurt, but have you tried satisfying yourself?

Perhaps mention that you need to do so, if he is not able or willing to supply just a little sex or eroticism. I personally wouldn't want to try and find a lover, but I know women who would in your situation. What would he say to that? The suggestion might get him thinking!

red1 Tue 26-Feb-19 19:18:57

men over 60 generally have more problems with the sex,desire etc look at the rise of Viagra.Most of my male friends over 60 are not too bothered.Think also that men have to 'perform' there can be a lot stress on the mens part.A good open discussion may clear the air.medical things depression etc also affect libido.theres also the possibility of asexuality on his part,some people really do prefer a cup of tea!

Esspee Wed 27-Feb-19 07:33:25

Nothing wrong with a platonic friendship.....if that's what you both want.
You want more and I think you need to let him know that you will be looking for a new partner while happy to remain his friend.
Good luck. You are far to young to be celebate.

Esspee Wed 27-Feb-19 07:34:49

Celibate that should read