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Moaning negativity

(102 Posts)
Peonyrose Sat 27-Jul-19 07:48:06

My friend and I had just arrived at our table for a meal, we meet up every month or so, when an old aquaintances plonked her self down at our table, she smiled and said how are you, before we could answer, she went into a fifteen minute rant of her ungrateful daughter, her lousy neighbours, her builders who had ripped her off, the neighbourhood going down, the leaking guttering and what's the point of a lot of money when you're old. It was so depressing, in the end her three friends came and she went to their table. Well I hope it got it off her chest, because it depressed me. Probably never bump into her again, but who would want to be with someone like that. The friend who I was with said my face was a picture, oh dear!

Joyfulnanna Thu 01-Aug-19 20:54:22

Crikey! One of the reasons why humans bond is to have someone who'll make them feel valued, that includes allowing you (and him) to have a good old sound off after a bad day. If they don't want to listen for a few mins, ask them how they'd feel if the boot was on the other foot.