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AIBU to feel a bit resentful about my husband's attitude to my (narcissistic) mother?

(84 Posts)
newgran2019 Mon 02-Mar-20 12:28:21

Am I being unreasonable to feel a little fed up that my husband made a dentist appointment for my mother at midday on my birthday, so we can't have a whole day out together? There are local volunteer drivers who would take her for a very small fee, but he hasn't suggested this. I know it's petty, but it's yet another instance of her needs coming first because my husband is too weak to risk a nasty scene with her if he objects to being her errand boy. I don't want to suggest it either, for the same reason (I've always been a coward when it comes to standing up to Mum!) and because he would probably have a go at me for overreacting, making me feel even worse. Sometimes I think he might as well be her husband not mine nowadays, as her making us more or less responsible for her life has affected our relationship quite badly.

Abuelana Fri 06-Mar-20 15:00:00

Point out it’s your birthday and you want to go out and have a nice day. The local volunteer scheme can take her or she can cancel. Two options for her to decide!
You insist on going out for your birthday end of. No contest !

Jodieb Fri 06-Mar-20 16:30:32

Let us know the outcome newgran2019! Oh, demanding mothers. I recall when DH's late mother banged her stick on the floor demanding to know our holiday address (so she could bombard us with phone calls) We both got up and walked out.

Jodieb Fri 06-Mar-20 16:50:04

Let us know the outcome, Newgran2019! Oh, demanding mothers! I recall when DH's late mother banged her stick on the floor demanding to know our holiday address (so she could bombard us with phone calls). We both got up and walked out.

Jodieb Fri 06-Mar-20 17:02:57

Why do my answers go on and then disappear?

Jodieb Fri 06-Mar-20 17:08:05

Oh, sorry, now they have come back. Why can't there be a delete/edit button?

ValerieF Fri 06-Mar-20 18:04:57

Not sure if I've got the jist of this correctly but seems like it has nothing to do with your mother narcisstic or otherwise? You say your husband made the appointment and then didn't listen when you said there were other options of transport?

Personally I just think you are making too much of it. My children love their birthdays. I couldn't care less about them any more. I think your husband sounds lovely and caring and probably thinks the same way as me? Your mum is, presumably, elderly and won't be around for ever. Maybe the issue runs deeper than just your birthday?

newgran2019 Thu 19-Mar-20 13:41:39

It was a routine appointment that could have been on any Friday (they only do appointments downstairs on a Friday and she needs a downstairs room as she has convinced herself she can't walk now, despite having no real physical illness and despite medical advice that she should exercise more for her own good). My husband 'forgot' it was my birthday. No, it wasn't that important in itself but it is hard, as some of you kindly recognize, for the child of a narcissist to stand up to them after being trained for 50 years to appease them at all costs. I might have hoped that my husband, who has seen me suffer from severe depression before, might be a little more supportive, that's all. Yes, it is odd that my husband gives in so much to my mother (though she does praise him in ways she never does her own children, so maybe that is part of it); I wonder how he would have been if his own mother had been in this position, but then again I don't think she was a narcissist.

Grandad1943, you will no doubt be happy to hear that my birthday was a wash-out anyway; I felt ill and my brother chose to ring and tell me all our mum's latest list of complaints against us, which you would probably say we deserve...

MOnica, you are right in many ways, though it is not simple; I am having counselling to see if I can find a better way of coping for all of us.

newgran2019 Thu 19-Mar-20 13:47:11

Grandad1943, I think you'll find coronavirus got in the way of my replying and even I see that it is more important than my problems with my mother...