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Little Devil Emoticon

(30 Posts)
jeni Tue 16-Oct-12 19:52:19

I REALLY fancy that bags what an excellent idea!smile

baubles Tue 16-Oct-12 19:51:35

Bags "dead smiley and winky, but definitely wicked" a self portrait perhaps? grin smile

Bags Tue 16-Oct-12 19:47:35

So that I can have a devil's advocate 'signature'. So that I can take the piss about any old thing without anyone taking offence. So that I can argue in an impersonal way without having to write as if it was an essay. Stuff like that smile.

It's a nice devil. Dead smiley and winky, but definitely wikkid.

Gally Tue 16-Oct-12 19:41:03

May we ask why Bags grin
(good idea though)

Bags Tue 16-Oct-12 19:30:56

I need a little devil emoticon, please. Pale green, with horns, and a wikkid smile.