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Does anyone really say "tummies"?

(192 Posts)
j08 Fri 13-Sep-13 09:31:07

I mean, when talking to other adults? As in, "Still thinking about our tummies...".



j08 Fri 13-Sep-13 09:34:21


As in "they are grannies. They use grandchildren language"

petallus Fri 13-Sep-13 09:40:28

Some people object to the word 'panties' because it's twee.

I prefer knickers or undercrackers.

Ana Fri 13-Sep-13 09:56:38

I wish my GDs would say 'tummies'. Their father says 'bellies' and they've latched onto that - I hate it!

Ana Fri 13-Sep-13 09:57:49

Agree about 'panties' though. I've never used that word in my life!

j08 Fri 13-Sep-13 10:01:55

'bellies' is the grownup word Ana. grin

I might use "tummy" when talking to a very young child. Or if a child was poorly. Like, "does your tummy hurt?"

j08 Fri 13-Sep-13 10:03:18

"undercrackers"! hmm


Anne58 Fri 13-Sep-13 10:07:30

I much prefer "tummies" to "bellies". I don't think it is "grown up", just rather coarse and vulgar. If you want to be grown up then say "stomach".

janerowena Fri 13-Sep-13 10:10:33

Oh dear, I still say 'tummy'. blush

Maybe it's because I still have a child at home (for the next week anyway, until he leaves to go to Uni). But I had never thought about it. Now I have thought about it, yes, most people I know do say tummy. Maybe it's a southern thing? If talking to someone I don't know then I often say stomach.

petallus Fri 13-Sep-13 10:14:09

Undercrackers is a cool, streetwise word for panties j08 grin

Ana Fri 13-Sep-13 10:15:43

I agree, phoenix - I don't think 'bellies' is the grown up equivalent of 'tummies'. I don't use it myself, I say 'stomach'. Anyway, my GDs are only 7 and "I've got a belly-ache" sounds awful to me when they say it!

Ana Fri 13-Sep-13 10:17:58

So, petallus, you breeze into an unfamiliar M&S store and ask the nearest assistant (in a loud voice, of course) "Where are your undercrackers?" grin

Anne58 Fri 13-Sep-13 10:22:42

Or, if looking for thongs "please direct me to the butt floss department, my good woman!"

Ana Fri 13-Sep-13 10:23:12


Galen Fri 13-Sep-13 10:30:26

What's wrong with abdomens?

Anne58 Fri 13-Sep-13 10:31:12

Ana totally agree re "I've got a belly ache" just sounds.... yuk.

kittylester Fri 13-Sep-13 10:32:36

Bellies is a horrid word - nothing to do with age. I have a stomach and I could do with it being about half the size it is. grin

Anne58 Fri 13-Sep-13 10:37:38

Personally the only time I use the word belly is in relation to meat. I think I might sound daft in the butchers asking for tummy of pork grin

Anniebach Fri 13-Sep-13 10:39:32

Tummy or abdomen, if further up them stomach. The word belly is banned , I don't like it.

thatbags Fri 13-Sep-13 10:39:56

Why is belly banned?

thatbags Fri 13-Sep-13 10:40:52

Friend of my parents, who already had eight childre, said she no wasn't going to have any more as she'd already had a bellyful.

thatbags Fri 13-Sep-13 10:41:15

Why is belly horrid?

petallus Fri 13-Sep-13 10:42:35

It aint very refined!

thatbags Fri 13-Sep-13 10:43:31

It's from an Old English word meaning bag. I like words for bags.

The OE bit will be why it's disliked. Most of the words people disapprove of are straighforward Old English or Old Norse words. So it comes down to snootiness about diction as usual.

Being a northerner, I don't accept any of that crap.

thatbags Fri 13-Sep-13 10:44:04

I don't do refained. Sorry, dahling.