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What's the worst film you ever saw.

(84 Posts)
Annika Mon 11-Jun-12 11:30:04

Honey I shrunk the kids and ET !

Grannylin Mon 11-Jun-12 11:17:52

Eat,pray,love...fingers down your throat.

Lastsongster Mon 11-Jun-12 10:58:33

Warhorse. Utter nonsense.

susiecb Mon 11-Jun-12 10:35:20

Oh yes I couldn't bring myself to go and ee that one esp when I saw what real ballet dancers thought of it.

nightowl Mon 11-Jun-12 10:31:35

Yes 2001 definitely!

I went to see it in the 70's with my boyfriend, now OH, and fell asleep in the cinema. He was disgusted that I didn't appreciate it. That should have told me something!

Worst recent film - Black Swan. Pretentious drivel.

Grossi Mon 11-Jun-12 10:08:55

2001 A Space Odyssey.

flowerfriend Mon 11-Jun-12 09:59:39

All the James Bond films. Well I haven't seen that many. Obviously.

absentgrana Mon 11-Jun-12 09:28:47

The Wicker Man

susiecb Mon 11-Jun-12 09:28:01
