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Weird Things Our Bodies Do

(80 Posts)
Ali08 Mon 20-Mar-23 02:48:37

When I used to eat bananas, the little soft spots behind my earlobes would tingle, rather like snap, crackle & pop!
In my mouth, if my tongue presses against certain areas I get headaches, but they stop as soon as I move my tongue!
Anyone else have weird body happenings?

Oldgcodger70 Wed 22-Mar-23 12:42:31

If I lean against a hard surface or carry a rucksack for any time I get itchy lumps come up usually lasting up to 36 hours, the irritation so intense as to be painful. I have found that a cold wet flannel or ice pack will dissipate the swelling and irritation, but sitting on a hard bench or riding a bike is no longer any fun.

flowerofthewestx2 Wed 22-Mar-23 12:45:27

My nose tingles if I even think about noses....there you go...its started tingling.
I sometimes scratch an itch on my leg and get a sensation on my back.

Coco51 Wed 22-Mar-23 12:58:42


Drink Sherry and the top of my right arm will ache.

When I had a liver biopsy a common side effect is pain in the right shoulder - I just wonder if yours might be complaining because it doesn’t like sherry!

Riggie Wed 22-Mar-23 13:48:26


If you feel a sneeze coming on, and it won’t come to fruition; look at the sun 🌞

I rub the roof of my mouth with my tongue and that will make the sneeze happen!!

suelld Wed 22-Mar-23 17:09:31


This is rather embarrassing but I’m going to mention it in case anybody else has experienced it, or should I speak to GP?
I suffer with IBS, alternating between constipation and needing the loo several times a day. For the last three years, and it only happens occasionally I get the feeling of impending orgasm when I need the loo quickly. It started the first few days of lockdown in 2020 and is most disconcerting! I am celibate and have been for twenty years but remember what an orgasm feels like!

Ditto with IBS but mine’s purely the Diarrohea version. I get the Orgasm thing a lot of times with a full bladder anyway and like you I’ve been without since the early 1990s - not really voluntarily - just no one I fancy or vice versa possibly smile
Not anything to worry about just pressure in the ‘right’ area for sex!

suelld Wed 22-Mar-23 17:12:57

One weird thing I get is when seeing spikes - on the TV particularly - my eyes feel horrible - I can’t look at anything sharp, they feel spongy and cringy and almost thickly!

MrsKen33 Wed 22-Mar-23 17:57:22

Coco51 It’s not my shoulder but the top of my arm. But I
‘ve had it for nye on 50 years now. Doesn’t happen with any other drink. I’ve tested that !!!

gillyknits Wed 22-Mar-23 19:12:44

If I wear nail varnish on my fingers, I am aware that there is something there! Don’t like that feeling. Haven’t the same trouble with toenails.

icanhandthemback Wed 22-Mar-23 19:17:50

gillyknits, I have the same problem with nail varnish and, as a piano player, I am sure that it makes my fingers work badly.

Treebee Wed 22-Mar-23 19:24:17

Eating strong cheese makes my upper lip sweat!

biglouis Wed 22-Mar-23 19:30:12

I can tell when my blood iton is low because I get a craving to eat the froth from the top of coffee and the lumps at the bottom of the cup! Apparently some people get cravings to eat really odd things like soil or plaster! The medical term for this is called "pica".

Granmarderby10 Wed 22-Mar-23 19:39:13

biglouis lumps! …in. Coffee?

Sallywally1 Wed 22-Mar-23 19:43:32

I don’t personally but as a child I remember being fascinated by my grandad being able to move his ears up and down without touching them. My mum could do the same, but only with one ear!

Growing0ldDisgracefully Wed 22-Mar-23 21:06:22

Drinking orange juice gives me a sore throat and makes my face hot and red. Possibly an allergic reaction?

Ro60 Wed 22-Mar-23 21:36:00

Mention curry and my face behind to sweat - yet don't notice this if I cook or eat one.

eat it

crazyH Wed 22-Mar-23 21:53:21

GOD -same here , orange juice gives me a sore throat and occasionally a tight chest

srn63 Wed 22-Mar-23 23:01:52

Orange juice gives me a cold.

Callistemon21 Wed 22-Mar-23 23:10:31


I can tell when my blood iton is low because I get a craving to eat the froth from the top of coffee and the lumps at the bottom of the cup! Apparently some people get cravings to eat really odd things like soil or plaster! The medical term for this is called "pica".

Perhaps that's why pregnant women used to eat coal.

Callistemon21 Wed 22-Mar-23 23:16:18


If I stroke my inner elbow, I can feel my temple on the same side being stroked too.

This is a brilliant thread! 🤩
Thanks Ali

Have you or anyone on the thread had reflexology?
I did a few times years ago (it's lovely) but you can feel the sensation in parts of the body other than the feet.

Very occasionally some voices can make me have a kind of warm tingle, I can't explain it but it's a lovely sensation through my head 🙂
Almost always it's a gentle female voice.

TwinLolly Thu 23-Mar-23 07:47:36

I have a wee bit of alcohol and my whole body feels like it wants to sink the floor. confused

TwinLolly Thu 23-Mar-23 07:51:09

Oh yes... on of the captains (who DH works alongside on a cruise ship) when eating curry, starts to perspire and his face goes red! Poor chap.

Saggi Thu 23-Mar-23 07:59:37

I can make myself sneeze by looking at the sun….rest of my siblings couldn’t….. I got many a sunny day of school with this trick!!

GrannyBeek Thu 23-Mar-23 08:05:52

When I think about yawning, read about it, or see someone yawn - I yawn! I’m doing it now.

Tizliz Thu 23-Mar-23 08:54:07

If I watch someone under water I can’t breathe

Granjeanne Thu 23-Mar-23 16:51:20

Think acupuncture. The nervous system is very complex. I had acupuncture for a fractured coccyx (tail bone). The therapist (actually an NHS physiotherapist, those were the days!), applied fine needles to the shell like part of my outer ear! It really worked! Later, she showed me how to press the same spot with the tip of a ballpoint pen to get temporary relief between the sessions with her. This also provided relief. Chinese medicine shouldn't be sniffed at. Very difficult to understand, but the Chinese know a thing or two about pain relief and referred pain. Who has ever had a toothache relieved by treating a tooth in a completely different area of the mouth? Our nerves play tricks on us all the time!