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Survey reveals over a quarter of relationships are sexless

sex and relationships

We reveal the truth about sex, and a lack of it, in relationships. See the full results of our survey below.


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What is your relationship status?
Married or in a civil partnership 72%
Co-habiting 21%
In a relationship - not co-habiting 7%
Single 0%
Divorced/separated 0%
Widowed 0%
Other 0%


How long have you been in your relationship?
Under 1 year 3%
At least 1 year but less than 3 years 6%
At least 3 years but less than 5 years 8%
At least 5 years but less than 7 years 8%
At least 7 years but less than 10 years 14%
At least 10 years but less than 20 years 38%
20 years or more 24%


How would you define sex (or what does the word sex mean to you)? Please tick all that apply.
Penetration 91%
Other forms of physical intimacy 55%
Cuddling 6%
Feeling connected in other ways 7%


Which of the below most closely describes how you feel about the amount of sex with your partner in your relationship?
Net: would like more 52%
Net: would like less 6%
I would like a lot more 11%
I would like a bit more 42%
I am completely happy with the amount 39%
I would like a bit less 4%
I would like a lot less 2%
Other 3%


Which of the below most closely describes how satisfied you are with the quality of sex with your partner in your relationship?
Net: satisfied 75%
Net: dissatisfied 15%
Very satisfied 38%
Somewhat satisfied 38%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 10%
Somewhat dissatisfied 10%
Very dissatisfied 5%


Which of the below most closely describes how your partner feels about the amount of sex in your relationship?
Net: they would like more 68%
Net: they would like less 1%
They would like a lot more 29%
They would like a bit more 40%
They are completely happy with the amount 21%
They would like a bit less 1%
They would like a lot less 0%
I don't know 9%
Other 1%


Which of the below most closely describes how satisfied your partner is with the quality of sex in your relationship?
Net: satisfied 72%
Net: dissatisfied 11%
Very satisfied 38%
Somewhat satisfied 35%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 4%
Somewhat dissatisfied 7%
Very dissatisfied 3%
I don't know 13%


If you're having less sex than either you or your partner would like, why would you say that this is? Please tick all that apply.
I'm too tired 56%
Young children in the way 44%
My partner is too tired 35%
I feel self-conscious of my body 30%
Different bedtimes 27%
It's just not a priority for me 26%
I've lost my libido since having children 24%
Physical or mental health issues 21%
I am too stressed 17%
Lack of intimacy in the relationship 17%
My partner is too stressed 13%
Sex is painful or physically uncomfortable for me 13%
I've lost my libido for other reasons 13%
I'd rather read a good book 10%
I'm just too busy 10%
I've lost my libido since the menopause 9%
It's not a priority for my partner 9%
Technology 8%
My partner has lost their libido for other reasons 8%
Physical changes after the onset of a long-term condition 7%
My partner is just too busy 7%
I don't find my partner attractive any more 5%
My partner feels self-conscious about their body 4%
My partner has lost their libido since having children 3%
My partner doesn't find me attractive any more 3%
Sex is painful or physically uncomfortable for my partner 1%
Other 10%


Which of the following statements comes closest to reflecting your experience when it comes to talking about sex - the quality of sex and/or the amount you have - with your current partner?
Net: talk about it frequently or occasionally 64%
We talk about it frequently 17%
We talk about it occasionally 47%
We talk about it very rarely 25%
We never talk about it 10%
Other 1%


Have you ever argued with your partner about the amount of sex that you have in your relationship?
Yes 38%
No 62%


How many times would you estimate that you've had sex in the last week?
I haven't 48%
Once 27%
Twice 13%
Three times 7%
Four times 3%
Five times 1%
More than five times 1%


And approximately how many times would you estimate that you've had sex in the last year?
I haven't 8%
Less than 10 times 20%
10-15 times 11%
15-20 times 10%
20-30 times 9%
30-50 times 13%
50-100 times 16%
100-200 times 10%
More than 200 times 3%


Have you ever been in a relationship where lack of sex played a part in the ending of the relationship?
Yes 17%
No 83%


How likely are you to openly and honestly discuss the amount of sex you have in your relationship with the following groups of people...
Net: likely 44%
Net: unlikely 46%
Very likely 15%
Somewhat likely 29%
Neither likely nor unlikely 10%
Somewhat unlikely 20%
Very unlikely 27%
Older family members (e.g. parent, aunt)  
Net: likely 5%
Net: unlikely 91%
Very likely 1%
Somewhat likely 4%
Neither likely nor unlikely 4%
Somewhat unlikely 11%
Very unlikely 79%
Family members of around the same age (e.g. sister, cousin)  
Net: likely 18%
Net: unlikely 71%
Very likely 5%
Somewhat likely 13%
Neither likely nor unlikely 10%
Somewhat unlikely 18%
Very unlikely 53%
Anonymously online, on sites like Mumsnet/Gransnet  
Net: likely 44%
Net: unlikely 36%
Very likely 11%
Somewhat likely 33%
Neither likely nor unlikely 20%
Somewhat unlikely 18%
Very unlikely 17%
Counsellor/ sex therapist  
Net: likely 31%
Net: unlikely 48%
Very likely 10%
Somewhat likely 21%
Neither likely nor unlikely 21%
Somewhat unlikely 13%
Very unlikely 35%


Please state the extent that you agree or disagree with the below statements
I get the impression I'm having less sex than everyone else  
Net: agree 47%
Net: disagree 27%
Strongly agree 20%
Somewhat agree 26%
Neither agree nor disagree 26%
Somewhat disagree 20%
Strongly disagree 7%
There's a gap between how the frequency of sex in relationships is portrayed in the media and reality  
Net: agree 77%
Net: disagree 2%
Strongly agree 33%
Somewhat agree 44%
Neither agree nor disagree 21%
Somewhat disagree 1%
Strongly disagree 1%
Talking to friends and family about the amount of sex you're having is taboo  
Net: agree 45%
Net: disagree 29%
Strongly agree 13%
Somewhat agree 32%
Neither agree nor disagree 25%
Somewhat disagree 22%
Strongly disagree 7%
I think people feel comfortable talking to friends and family about the amount of sex in their relationships  
Net: agree 19%
Net: disagree 57%
Strongly agree 3%
Somewhat agree 16%
Neither agree nor disagree 24%
Somewhat disagree 39%
Strongly disagree 18%


Do you think that you have more, less or about the same amount of sex in your relationship as people of a similar age?
I think I have more 11%
I think I have about the same 31%
I think I have less 47%
I don't know 11%


If you or your partner have ever felt like you're not having enough sex in your relationship, have you ever thought about going or gone for counselling or sex therapy to address this?
Yes - we have gone 3%
Yes - we have thought about it 11%
No 86%


How important or unimportant is it to you to feel emotionally connected to your partner while having sex?
Net: important 96%
Net: not important 4%
Very important 69%
Somewhat important 27%
Not very important 3%
Not at all important 1%



Take a look at a summary of the survey results here.


Survey of 2,005 Mumsnet and Gransnet users who are in a relationship between 18th April and 11th May 2018.

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Images: Shutterstock