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Afraid to speak out.

(192 Posts)
ExD Fri 02-Jul-21 09:58:04

I'm beginning to feel how I imagine German people felt when Hitler came to power, I'm afraid to speak of my feelings.
Emmerdale and Corrie both force fed us 'gay' propaganda this last week in a blatant attempt to make same sex love the new norm.
Whatever you say - it's not the way the majority of the population behave (though many do) and although I'm content for people to follow their natural inclinations in this department - why do TV programmers force feed it to us?
I mean, how many gays can one village (or street) contain as a percentage?
I know I'll be shot down for being homophobic, but I don't feel I dare criticise this policy - which makes me uneasy. I feel the Thought Police are here, and soon our neighbours and family will be encouraged to inform on those who speak out.
This is not an invitation for you to sling mud at me and call me a horrible person, although you can if you wish, I'd seriously like to know how many other people felt uncomfortable with the storylines, and the self congratulatory trend of the writers.

Doodledog Tue 06-Jul-21 20:36:02

Well said, muffinthemoo!

Whatdayisit Tue 06-Jul-21 20:50:06

Thankyou muffin. I hope the same too.

Whatdayisit Tue 06-Jul-21 20:53:27

I uses to hate kissing on corra as a child possibly as there wasn't a father in our house so it wasn't a normal thing for me to see.
So seeing anyone kissing anyone - gender, race, religion, non-binary - at 7.30pm while everybody is watching just helps people see how normal everything is.

PaperMonster Tue 06-Jul-21 21:23:58

Well said MuffinMoo

As a child, I used to watch two men share a bed on Saturday night TV, so why people need smelling salts 40 years later about the odd kiss, I’ve no idea hmm

Lucca Tue 06-Jul-21 21:37:41


Not at all Lucca.
Of course there’s always been gay people on TV, the vast majority openly gay, but we’re talking about a soap where gay men are kissing, that crosses a line for some people.
So trying to compare the wonderful Larry Grayson to gay men kissing in soaps is a bit crass.

Do you mind if a man and a woman are shown kissing ?

Lucca Tue 06-Jul-21 21:39:58

Two great posts muffinthemoo. Hats off to you !

Callistemon Tue 06-Jul-21 21:41:31


I had to google it Call and yes, its that Alan Freeman,

In a way its good I didn't know, because it doesn't matter. But in another, I hope that doesn't mean that he had to keep it secret.

I can't say I thought about his sexuality at all.

Callistemon Tue 06-Jul-21 21:43:42

So seeing anyone kissing anyone - gender, race, religion, non-binary - at 7.30pm while everybody is watching just helps people see how normal everything is.

But don't most people in RL do their snogging in private?

Whatdayisit Wed 07-Jul-21 05:07:48


^So seeing anyone kissing anyone - gender, race, religion, non-binary - at 7.30pm while everybody is watching just helps people see how normal everything is.^

But don't most people in RL do their snogging in private?

If they are in their living rooms on Corra it is in private. And no - in the street, in the pub, nightclubs, on meeting, on parting, just being happy to be together - all reasons for a public pucker up.

fairlyplump Sat 10-Jul-21 09:06:22

I agree with you 100%

Callistemon Sat 10-Jul-21 10:17:53

If they are in their living rooms on Corra it is in private


I don't know how to answer that!!

Lilmags Tue 13-Jul-21 13:20:51

Why should gay men kissing in a soap cross a line for some people? What is it about seeing two people of the same sex sharing a kiss? I can’t understand why that would have any bearing on your life.

NanKate Tue 13-Jul-21 14:28:40

I think the answer Lilmags from my own perspective is that many of us were brought up to think that homosexuality was wrong, however in the 1960s attitudes changed and gay people could ‘come out’ and be the people they wanted to be without free of prosecution or being abused and I am all for that.

However it can take years for some people to change their beliefs and for them to realise we have moved on and being gay is nothing to be ashamed of, it’s the new norm.

I know I was shocked at first seeing men or women kissing each other but now there’s no problem. Some of us just need time to get used to what life is like now.

I do hope I have explained this so that I don’t get accused of being homophobic, which I am not.

Callistemon Tue 13-Jul-21 15:31:41


Why should gay men kissing in a soap cross a line for some people? What is it about seeing two people of the same sex sharing a kiss? I can’t understand why that would have any bearing on your life.

I'm not particularly keen on seeing people of different sexes sharing a snog on TV either.

"Go and get a room" comes to mind!

Callistemon Tue 13-Jul-21 15:32:50

I know I was shocked at first seeing men or women kissing each other but now there’s no problem

I'm not shocked but just not particularly in other people's sex lives.

Lilmags Tue 13-Jul-21 22:53:34

Hi NanKate. I do understand, and don’t worry, you don’t sound homophobic. It concerns me that people are still stuck in the way of thinking that they were taught 50 years ago and make no effort to be more understanding.