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Heard my name called

(105 Posts)
TrendyNannie6 Sat 29-Feb-20 10:40:57

After Both my parents died, and quite a few years between both of their passings, I distinctly heard them call my name, my dad did within the first week, and my mum did few days after she’d passed, I will also add I definately was NOT dreaming and it was in the early hours, Anyone Else experienced this

moggie57 Mon 08-Feb-21 00:10:36

My cats always cand back to say a final goodbye.Tommy a big boy cat used to wrap himself round my legs.when he died about 2 weeks later I felt him on my legs it was so real that I bent down to Stroke him

Buffybee Mon 08-Feb-21 01:31:50

My Grandma woke me a few days after she had died. Quite clearly she said, “This is your Grandma speaking” I’ve never forgotten those words. I looked at the clock and it was 1am, she talked to me, although I later couldn’t remember what she’d said, the next thing she said,
“I have to go now”, when I looked at the clock it was 2am.
When my dog Gem died 23 years ago, she used to lay her head on my knee while I was watching tv, it went on for about 3 months. I’ve had two dogs die since then but didn’t feel them at all.
Who knows! It’s all very strange.

Nansnet Fri 19-Feb-21 03:50:20

When my grandad died, just after I was married, I heard him say, "Don't worry, you'll all be OK". I've always remembered it, and it gave me great comfort.

When my dad was ill in hospital, and I was staying at his house, I awoke in the middle of the night with the distinct feeling that my mum was holding me, stroking my hair, and saying, "Shush, shush". She'd passed away a couple of years previously. I wasn't scared, I felt warm and comforted, it seemed so real.

Sadly, my lovely dad has just passed away, and I long to hear his voice again.

Nansnet Fri 19-Feb-21 03:54:42

Also, my dad told me that, since my mum died, he often heard her shouting his name from downstairs, just as his alarm clock was about to go off in the mornings, as though she thought he might oversleep!