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My hidden skill!!!

(116 Posts)
kittylester Wed 29-May-19 16:42:54

Although I love them, I never ever cook kippers at home due to the smell and DH's attitude to the smell grin

When we are staying in a(n) hotel, as we are currently, I always take the opportunity to indulge.

I was most surprised this morning when the woman on the next table came over and congratulated me on the really good job I had made of de-boning this morning's kipper.

I knew there must be something I would be good at.

Do you have a hidden skill.

oldgaijin Wed 29-May-19 23:48:32

I can retain totally useless information, which makes me a great quizzed.

oldgaijin Wed 29-May-19 23:49:36


BradfordLass72 Thu 30-May-19 04:38:33

I don't know if it's hidden exactly as my neighbours notice and curse me - but however long and hot the sun shines during the day, the instant, the very instant I put out my laundry, it begins to rain.

Menopaws Thu 30-May-19 04:42:16

Yorkshire puddings

BlueSapphire Thu 30-May-19 06:45:42

DGDs say that my spaghetti Bolognese is better than their mum's.

teabagwoman Thu 30-May-19 07:38:07

I spent a long time on drips and I’m in awe Annepl. I share Eglantine’s skill but have recently developed a more useful one in that I now cut patients toenails at our local hospice. I always knew I would find my niche!

Framilode Thu 30-May-19 07:40:00

I can cross my second toe over my big toe.

Lilypops Thu 30-May-19 07:42:26

Moss far, can you walk round the course with me and help me find my golf balls please, I lose a couple every round, !

Grammaretto Thu 30-May-19 07:49:47

teabagwoman what implement do you use for toenails, may I ask? I cannot cut DH's as they would break the clippers.
I think that's a wonderful skill BTW helping at the hospice.

angelic Thu 30-May-19 09:00:23

I bake brilliant cakes, pies, biscuits?
but cooking absolute rubbish?

Urmstongran Thu 30-May-19 09:18:37

I can eat with chopsticks quite easily - right from the first time I was handed a pair. I showed off a bit ....

grannyqueenie Thu 30-May-19 10:26:44

I can kill a gransnet thread, just you watch! grin

EisforEgg Thu 30-May-19 10:28:12

I am weirdly good at guessing random things my husband asks me, he is amazingly good at spot the difference.

Growing0ldDisgracefully Thu 30-May-19 10:37:23

I share BradfordLass' talent, with the variation that I bring on the previously hidden rain clouds when I go out to cut the grass, or clean the car!

Davida1968 Thu 30-May-19 10:42:42

I know all the words of many "old" songs, and can sing them from start to finish. (I grew up in a home with no TV but we had a radio.....) I can also, very quickly, sing an "old" song but with different words which I make up on the spot; a skill which has impressed DGC more than once.

LightAmber Thu 30-May-19 10:44:44

I can remember where everything is. I wish I didn't as DP will be rummaging in a drawer or moving things around and when I ask what he's looking for, I always know where it is - but can't stand aimless rummaging!

henetha Thu 30-May-19 10:47:04

I'm good at bodging mending things with duct tape, superglue and string.

BradfordLass72 Thu 30-May-19 10:48:34

Ooh, just thought of something else but not a skill so much as a weirdity and I know I'm not the only one. I once won 10/- at school when someone bet me I couldn't do it.

I can bend the distal phalanges (top bit) of my fingers while keeping the rest of my fingers totally straight.

I can touch my toes quite easily, in fact put the backs of my hands flat on the ground, so have no problem with toenails if my podiatrist isn't available.
And until I had my hip replaced 4 years ago, could do the splits.

My sons can both wiggle their eyes and it looks quite scary seeing the pupil and iris oscillating!

mimismo Thu 30-May-19 10:52:04

I have the talent for stopping queues too, and causing a new till to open just ad I've put my purchases on the belt!

mimismo Thu 30-May-19 10:55:23

I taught my son to blow bubbles with bubblegum. Does that count?

Sheilasue Thu 30-May-19 10:58:46

Got a sixth sense.

coast35 Thu 30-May-19 11:18:55

Willow and Eglantine21. I bet I’m better at both those things than you are!! Lol

Rufus2 Thu 30-May-19 11:31:41

It took me years to realise she was flattering me to get me to make her coffee.
As a kid, I was just as gullible! grin My Mam kept telling me I was the best shoe-polisher she'd known.
Before that I could even suck my toes! shock

Nonnie Thu 30-May-19 11:47:22

What a talented lot you are! I can do some of those and would challenge Phoenix on the chicken having done one yesterday. DH cooks but leaves me to do it because he can't compete.

I can also close down threads quite easily. I simply ask questions people don't want to answer or challenge something untrue. Doesn't always work and please let's not discuss which ones!

And here's the big one - Fanfare!!! I can pick up marbles with my toes!

Craftycat Thu 30-May-19 11:47:31

I can wiggle my little toes outwards without the rest moving. It used to cause a stir in assembly at school as we had to remove our shoes before going into the hall- I have no idea why now.