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Face to Face Passive Aggressive Behaviour

(77 Posts)
Notinthemanual Mon 26-Jul-21 06:24:30

When and how should it be confronted? If a person chooses to communicate that way, are they likely to stop?

When is it best to not rise to the bait and ignore it? This might deny the PA the satisfaction of seeing they have caused hurt feelings or anger but might also give the impression you are too thick to have noticed.

I’m thinking of situations where, for instance, the PA obliquely references something that has previously been said or done, or directly references something but pretends they are joking etc. What used to be called “snide”.

SaraC Thu 29-Jul-21 02:18:49

I admire those of you who are quick off the mark with your responses. I’m afraid PA people have generally got me on toast as I’m a reflector rather than a reactor. By the time the nasty comment/put down/PA behaviour has registered with me the time is past for calling them to account. Any attempt to address it or talk about what happened later is usually laughed off or over ridden. Frustrating, hurtful and saddening.