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More limericks with very strict rules and I'm standing by with a metre stick ;)

(1001 Posts)
LadyHonoriaDedlock Sun 18-Dec-22 13:02:27

Have we got time for another?
What, wine? Oh no let me recover
Well maybe a sherry
Gin from a berry
Or a drop of fine malt to discover

The children are tired and fractious

Juliet27 Fri 23-Dec-22 08:54:28

The reindeer are coming to town
As their environment breaks down

henetha Fri 23-Dec-22 10:06:42

The reindeer are coming to town
As their environment breaks down
They're eating my lawn

Mollygo Fri 23-Dec-22 15:11:22

The reindeer are coming to town
As their environment breaks down
They're eating my lawn
My grass is all gawn

GoldenLady Fri 23-Dec-22 16:18:22

The reindeer are coming to town
As their environment breaks down
They're eating my lawn
My grass is all gawn
And the ground out in front now looks brown!

But soon they'll be flying up high

Jane71 Fri 23-Dec-22 17:07:54

But soon they'll be flying up high
With Santa Claus up in the sky

VB000 Fri 23-Dec-22 18:14:56

But soon they'll be flying up high
With Santa Claus up in the sky
They'll zoom overhead

Juliet27 Fri 23-Dec-22 18:22:33

But soon they'll be flying up high
With Santa Claus up in the sky
They'll zoom overhead
With children abed

Mollygo Fri 23-Dec-22 18:30:08

But soon they'll be flying up high
With Santa Claus up in the sky
They'll zoom overhead
With children abed
Delivering gifts as they fly.

The number of homeless still grows,

Squiffy Fri 23-Dec-22 18:52:02

The number of homeless still grows,
In the freezing cold they must doze

Juliet27 Sat 24-Dec-22 06:08:58

The number of homeless still grows,
In the freezing cold they must doze
A dog by their side

nanna8 Sat 24-Dec-22 06:37:59

The number of homeless still grows,
In the freezing cold they must doze
A dog by their side
No cash for a ride

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sat 24-Dec-22 13:31:49

The number of homeless still grows
In the freezing cold they must doze
A dog by their side
No cash for a ride
And now snow to add to their woes.

I'm so glad to have a small house

Glorianny Sat 24-Dec-22 13:43:26

I'm so glad to have a small house,
just room for me and my spouse

Squiffy Sat 24-Dec-22 14:22:02

I'm so glad to have a small house,
just room for me and my spouse
Plus maybe a cat

crazyH Sat 24-Dec-22 14:39:58

I'm so glad to have a small house,
just room for me and my spouse
Plus maybe a cat
And companion rat

Juliet27 Sat 24-Dec-22 15:12:38

I'm so glad to have a small house,
just room for me and my spouse
Plus maybe a cat
And companion rat
But now I think I’ve spied a louse.

I like to share my home with pets

Mollygo Sat 24-Dec-22 16:27:17

I like to share my home with pets
Though costly, I have no regrets

GoldenLady Sat 24-Dec-22 16:53:06

I like to share my home with pets
Though costly, I have no regrets
But the hippo was pricey

Mollygo Sat 24-Dec-22 17:24:14

I like to share my home with pets
Though costly, I have no regrets
But the hippo was pricey
Polar bears, icy

Juliet27 Sat 24-Dec-22 17:44:57

I like to share my home with pets
Though costly, I have no regrets
But the hippo was pricey
Polar bears, icy
Not sure they could be called assets

I love that Santa's flight is tracked!

NanKate Sat 24-Dec-22 21:20:26

I love that Santa's flight is tracked!
I hope he sees our chimney’s cracked

Glorianny Sun 25-Dec-22 12:14:46

I love that Santa's flight is tracked!
I hope he sees our chimney’s cracked,
Roof tiles are missing

NanKate Sun 25-Dec-22 22:32:19

I love that Santa's flight is tracked!
I hope he sees our chimney’s cracked,
Roof tiles are missing
The reindeers are hissing

Squiffy Sun 25-Dec-22 23:06:58

I love that Santa's flight is tracked!
I hope he sees our chimney’s cracked,
Roof tiles are missing
The reindeer are hissing
The rebellious ones are sacked.

Some chimneys test Santa’s wide girth

Mollygo Sun 25-Dec-22 23:31:09

Some chimneys test Santa’s wide girth
The thought of him stuck causes mirth

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