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Where were you and what were you doing....

(60 Posts)
annodomini Fri 22-Nov-13 10:17:18

fifty years ago today? I was in the house I shared with two friends, watching TV after our evening meal, when the shattering news came through. President Kennedy had been shot. We were numb, incredulous. The President had become an icon for our generation. It couldn't have happened. But it had. What was also shocking was that the BBC, with crashing insensitivity, just carried on with a mediocre comedy programme as if nothing had happened. Do you remember that the next edition of TW3 commemorated President Kennedy in a beautifully sensitive manner? Millie Martin sang a song that I will never forget.

mrsmopp Mon 06-Jan-14 20:56:50

I had just set up the ironing board in the kitchen & switched on the TV and saw the planes crash into the twin towers. I thought I was watching a disaster movie, thinking it was special effects. I was horrified when I realised it was actually happening. I was also terrified, thinking it would trigger World War 3 or something. I was so scared.

Flowerofthewest Mon 06-Jan-14 21:50:28

I was babysitting with my best friend (still close) when the news was announced.

absent Mon 06-Jan-14 22:46:34

No one saw the American Airlines plane hit the North tower on the television on 9/11 although I think some footage that had been taken by chance emerged later. The United Airlines plane hitting the South tower and the collapse of both towers a couple of hours later were shown and repeated throughout the day.

Memory plays tricks.

broomsticks Tue 07-Jan-14 10:40:48

I remember my son ringing up and saying turn the tv on quick on 9/11.

annodomini Tue 07-Jan-14 10:48:13

On 9/11, I had been at work in the morning. I came in at lunchtime and, instead of going straight to the kitchen as I usually did, to put the kettle on, I switched on the TV and tuned in to the BBC 24 hour news at the exact moment when the second plane hit the second tower. Was that prescient or what?

TriciaF Tue 07-Jan-14 18:05:01

We didn't have TV either - it must have been from the radio too.
I was 27.

TriciaF Tue 07-Jan-14 18:08:25

ps this was in addition to Maniac's post on page 2 (thought "Add comment" meant it would appear after her post.)

rosesarered Thu 09-Jan-14 10:32:24

No idea where I was when the news about Kennedy came through [I was 12] presumably at home if it was evening, but it made no impact on me, a foreign president being killed [not like a neighbour.]There seemed to be a lot of idolatory about the Kennedy clan...... hmmmmn.He was no Nelson Mandela, and may have gone on to be a good President [or maybe not.] the tragedy at Aberfan did have an impact on me though, so many children lost.When the planes went into the towers in NY I had just come back from doing a Tesco shop, and my daughter came running out of the house in tears, saying 'are we at war?' I rushed in and was just in time to see the footage on tv, very shocking indeed. years before, at primary school in the 1950's, I remember being in the playground one lunchtime and a child rushing about shouting about the death [I think! memory is a dodgy thing] of Gilbert Harding, I knew the name but nothing about him but pretended to look sad as others did.If Gilbert Harding did NOT die in the 50's then this is a totally odd memory!

MrsSB Fri 10-Jan-14 08:41:07

When Kennedy was shot I was watching my younger sister performing in a Brownie concert. I remember the news rippling around the audience as we waited for the concert to start.

On 9/11 we were on holiday in a small French village, with no TV and only French radio. We knew nothing about it until about three days later, when our son contacted us to ask if we'd be abke to get home ok due to the ensuing airport disruptions.