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BBC ánd Prince Willuam

(132 Posts)
Sparkling Fri 21-May-21 06:07:16

I am disgusted at the way the BBC have behaved. Prince William was so upset and hurt on her behalf and at her treatment by them. My heart goes out to him, he has behaved with such integrity. Thank goodness he has Kate and his children. Diana would be so proud of him. Who else have they given this treatment too?

Luckygirl Fri 21-May-21 22:07:20

I value the BBC - I rate it highly. Its radio programmes are in the main splendid and the scope of its coverage is very wide. Radio 3 is a gem - it has lifted my spirits during dark times.

Iam64 Sat 22-May-21 08:51:33

Dinahmo, thanks for putting the excellent piece by Barbara Ellen on this thread.
It’s now clear that Bashir faked documents made false allegations that fed Diana’s anxieties. The press today report he told her the rooms were bugged, that secret services were paying staff to spur on her, thst Prince Williams’s watch had been fitted with a microphone that taped their conversations. Bashir was also the source of the false story that the boys nanny had aborted PC’s child.
PW’s statement makes clear the devastating impact of that interview on his mother’s state of mind and the impact of that on her children in the period leading to her death.

Smileless2012 Sat 22-May-21 08:56:44

Are there no criminal charges that can be brought against this odious creature?

Iam64 Sat 22-May-21 09:01:47

I read this morning that Earl Spencer has asked Scotland Yard to investigate.
I’ve been shocked by the outcome of this latest investigation, the extent of deception does suggest a criminal investigation is needed.
It’s another occasion that confirms the value of investigative journalism. Also the point that organisations.
/institutions aren’t best placed to investigate themselves

Anniebach Sat 22-May-21 09:10:32

Surely there must have been criminal offences carried out, if
I lied to someone to get money from them would that not be
a criminal offence such as obtaining money under false pretences?

theworriedwell Sat 22-May-21 09:11:32


The year before Charles had admitted adultery and marital breakdown on ITV "Yes ... Until it became irretrievably broken down, us both having tried".
So I kind of think he may have some responsibility too?
This is all bit mad.

Surely the point is they both had responsibility but his adultery is constantly referred to and hers is conveniently ignored. I'm not blaming her by the way as I think people have a right to be happy, the thing I'd blame both for is their lack of consideration for their sons as they bared their souls. Maybe something for Harry to consider.