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Cameron and Greensill, anyone see Panorama?

(28 Posts)
GillT57 Tue 10-Aug-21 13:20:46

It all looked pretty conclusive, if not, bring on the libel lawyers. Fake invoices, fake clients. Cameron was either complicit or too stupid/lazy to bother with the details and happy to be paid to appear as a credible person to convince people to invest in a massive fraud. Add to that his pathetic attempts to meet with current Tory cabinet members to pump us, the taxpayer for funds, and the whole thing stinks. I sincerely hope he ends up bankrupt and imprisoned for fraud.

PippaZ Thu 12-Aug-21 10:08:10


Cameron has been accurately described as educated beyond his intelligence.

I'm not sure why anyone should be surprised by that. We keep asking an elite to govern the country and not a meritocracy.

Cameron is who he is in part because of who his parents were; Starmer because of merit. However, if you ask the voters which personality traits they want in a politician they, in the majority, go for the extravert and against openness to experience. We see them wanting someone who knows 'what the standards are', e.g., a suit, tie and standing up for the National anthem; such mannerisms denote a particular sort of background.

These outward shows win out over competence. Starmer seems to lose ground because of his competence. We saw May traduced for that characteristic. Vast swaths of the electorate have been prepared to overlook the incompetence of Cameron and later Johnson. To them, knowing the system the elite perpetuates scores higher.

Chardy Fri 13-Aug-21 04:41:11

Have watched the Panorama programme a second time, and might be even more shocked than before.
I'm not a natural Panorama person, but if you haven't seen it, I urge you to.