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Nationalism the fashionable form of government

(230 Posts)
Whitewavemark2 Mon 09-May-22 08:02:09

We have a nationalist government newly elected in NI

We have had nationalism in Scotland for years.

We have a nationalist PM in Westminster following a populist agenda.

Wales seems to be the only outrider.

Nationalism was always thought to be a concept if government that should be avoided.

What happened?

Aveline Sat 14-May-22 08:51:27

The point about the much delayed ferries is regarding whether it's due to crass incompetence or extreme economy of the truth. Why go ahead with a project that you've been explicitly warned to avoid? Where's the detailed paperwork? Why so much buck passing? Meanwhile what about the Scottish islanders facing even more uncertainty.

volver Sat 14-May-22 09:14:18

The whole ferries project is a disaster. Why didn't they employ a good Project Manager? Why didn't they do a proper risk assessment? Why do there not appear to be any penalty clauses?

But on the other hand. Why does DRoss and his band of inadequates think its clever to go on about whether Swinney signed it off or not? Probably because not one of them has ever been responsible for how government works or for a big project. Their chain of command is basically, ask Dougie then ignore him. So they stand there in Parliament behaving like school children, pointing and jeering.

The ferry thing needs to be sorted. But the opposition behaving like they have discovered the biggest scandal of the century is just painful to watch.

Cathymac Sat 14-May-22 10:20:29

Part of the ferry document which was miraculously discovered recently was not redacted properly and the text which was blackened out was revealed by cut and paste !
The redacted part stated…”.The impact of a successful legal challenge could be high - in the worst case the contract could be declared ineffective-“. In other words the contract was potentially unlawful. Are we as a nation now accepting that it is fine to redact when it is just an obvious cover - up ploy. ? The crucial document is still missing… the one which explains why John Swinney went ahead with this contract against expert advice. Wonder if that will turn up ?

volver Sat 14-May-22 11:07:55

As I have said on numerous occasions, including on this thread earlier this morning...

The ferries are a disaster. We need to know why there were no penalty clauses. That's what the successful legal challenge bit is about. Did they cover it up? Possibly, although I was able to comment on it about 2 weeks ago so accusations of hiding things from the country seem a bit...overzealous. Do we need to know if they are trying to hide things? Most definitely. I have no idea why they went ahead but its clear as the nose on my face that they are out to get Swinney.

But really - can anybody have watched Ross on Thursday and thought, this is good, he's on top of his game?