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Ongoing strained relationship with Son

(33 Posts)
Edge26 Sun 16-Jan-22 09:37:06

I have posted on the site before with issues with my son and had some good advice.
He has never liked it when I told him that me and my OH want to spend Sundays to ourselves and thinks he should be allowed to visit if he wants to and says I am spiteing my GC . I see my GC twice a week as I provide childcare and see my son when I drop them home. Last Sunday at 11am I had a txt to ask if I could sit with the GC that evening so they could go out. To be honest I didn't want to so I replied that I couldn't and hope they didn't mind. Had no reply until 5 hrs later saying I was horrible and wicked as they wanted to take DIL's mom out who lives 25 miles away as it was her son's birthday ( he passed away 18 months ago) . I was gobsmacked to be honest as to their reaction. He wanted me to ring him but I didn't as I knew I would only get verbal abuse on the phone. Now I have been told that I am not welcome at my GS's Christening next month as it's a Sunday and also because I didn't babysit. My DIL has said some pretty awful things to me and made some comments about me on FB. Any advice would be welcome.

Allsorts Mon 24-Jan-22 16:38:43

Msida, there is a lot going on here, the poster is perfectly right in placing boundaries, she has her grandchikdren two days a week so she’s hardly being difficult. I was the grandma that always said yes to babysitting, cancelling our own arrangements at times. I wish I hadn’t, the demands became more and in the end when I wasn’t useful I was estranged.
Edge27, I feel for you and hope you continue not to be blackmailed, that’s what it amounts to, you do this or I will stop you doing that. If the occasion was so important why so last minute?
I personally wouldn’t go to court for contact, it would in many cases cause irreparable damage, but it’s down to the individual.

JeanHarmony Thu 17-Mar-22 12:58:23

HI, I am sad to hear that you are having so much trouble with you family. It is such a difficult one. I do understand that you need your time and that boundaries are important. However, I think your son and his wife are upset maybe because Sunday may be a ng day that they might like as a family, including you. Perhaps the hurt can be talked about and maybe the boundaries could be a little more flexible. Perhaps you could see them every other Sunday or one Sunday per month, talking and trying to make arrangements that suite all is best and we all have to be prepared in these situations to listen to others and why they are so hurt. I say this because I have not had good relationships with my son and his family for 5 years now. I have never understood why as we have been full on parents and grandparents until then. I looked after 2 grand children before they went to school and my husband worked with my son in his business then handed it over to him when he retired. We also gave them money for the deposit on their house and loads of support. I am heart broken. We now have nothing to do with them at all. So be very careful

tickingbird Thu 17-Mar-22 13:09:17

I’m sorry to say this but your son sounds a nasty, manipulative man child. How dare his wife tell you to F.., off? I know you are frightened of losing contact with your GC but there’s nothing you can do. Don’t give up your life with your OH for this nasty pair. As for grandparents rights they don’t really exist. I don’t advise going down the courts route. Please think of yourself and enjoy your life and stop being blackmailed by them. flowers

sodapop Thu 17-Mar-22 19:25:16

I have to agree tickingbird but it's very sad.

rafichagran Thu 17-Mar-22 19:47:48

If my son, daughter, or in laws told me to F... O.. I would do just that.
This vile pair are cutting of their noses to spite their face. They have lost two days childcare.

Iam64 Thu 17-Mar-22 19:57:12

Your son and his wife are in the wrong here. You have done two days child care, shocking to be treated like this
I’m so sorry that they’re threatening to stop yiu seeing their children. You clearly love them. It is very difficult to rebuild relationships that reach this stage. Trust destroyed

Herefornow Thu 17-Mar-22 22:28:59

I would take dils anger with a pinch of salt. She's angry because her mother got hurt. Perhaps son was meant to ask earlier and forgot. Dil possibly finds the whole situation with childcare being mixed up with family tensions really stressful and this was the last straw for her.

Your son sounds like he needs to grow up. It could be that he feels you prioritise oh over him too much, but he should recognise that the childcare is where you've been prioritising him, he can't have all of you all of the time.