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Unbelievable Childhood Memories you believed were true 😆

(106 Posts)
Poppyjo Wed 22-Feb-23 21:57:31

As a young child I was eating an apple, which included the pips.

Mum looked at me and told me not to eat the pips as an apple tree would grow outside the top of my head!

I was fascinated and every morning
I would look in the mirror to see if I could see any shoots or leaves coming through my head. I truly believed I saw two leaves! 😂

I look back now and think how could I have ever believed it?

My mum did own up in the end. In case you wondered I never did grow that tree 🌲

What tall stories did you hear and believe as a child?

Twinkletwinklelittlenanna Sat 25-Feb-23 13:34:53

Mines a bit off the wall and I've posted it on a similar thread on Mumsnet.

When I was little (about 5) and couldn't sleep, my dad would wrap me in a blanket and drive us to Brize Norton Airbase.
My dad would then proceed to tell me that the lights on the runway were lighting the way to the marmalade mines for the diddymen and that if I sat really still and quiet I might get a glance of them.
Every single time I would wake up in my bed the next morning and rush down to breakfast where I would find a little jar of marmalade on the table that the diddymen had given my dad as I had missed them.

Even though the logical part of my brain says it's not true, I still find myself looking for the diddymen following the lights down the the marmalade mines and I've just turned 50.

My dad passed away before he could meet his great grandson, but both my son and daughter remember their granddad doing the same with them and the other night I got a call from my daughter saying they were taking my grandson to the marmalade mines because he couldn't sleep.

And yes, I got a message later that night to say it had worked a treat!

Twinkletwinklelittlenanna Sat 25-Feb-23 13:40:30

Another one I had from my nan was if you didn't say "bless you" after someone had sneezed then the devil would enter you.

Gin Sat 25-Feb-23 14:11:37

When I asked my Dad why a car had a plate with GB it he explained that when learning you had L plates and the GB was for when you had passed your driving test but were still ‘ getting better’! This was in the early fifties when not many people took their cars overseas.

Lizbethann55 Sat 25-Feb-23 16:16:15

My brothers and i used to fight for the top of the milk on our cereal. It wasn't unheard of for us to each start a new pint if we could get away with it. Mum told us that there was cream at the bottom of the bottle as well as the top. I have only recently realised that this probably wasn't true and mum told us that in order to make us finish one point before starting the next.

Havemercy Sun 26-Feb-23 11:07:29

Thunder was the fairies playing football!

Aldom Sun 26-Feb-23 11:11:56

Twinkletwinkle" what a beautiful story of a family tradition, started by your father. What a lovely daddy and grandad.

Lizzies Sun 26-Feb-23 11:12:16

My Dad used to grow tomatoes in the greenhouse and I used to go in and eat them straight from the vine. My Nanna used to tell me that I would get appendicitis from the seeds getting stuck in my appendix! Didn’t stop me!

KG1241 Sun 26-Feb-23 11:14:45

If you sit too close to the telly you’ll have square eyes!

Funnygran Sun 26-Feb-23 11:16:38

In the 50’s all the kids from our road played outside. One girl was a few years older than my sister and I and one day told us about a boy who was sucked into the pipe at our local swimming pool and washed out to sea. We lived about 10 miles from the sea but believed every word and were horrified. Of course the minute we told our mum she knew immediate where the tale had come from. I think I still half believed it for quite a while!

Daftbag1 Sun 26-Feb-23 11:33:10

I must have asked my my son if he thought money grew on trees too often.

He planted 2p and watched a weed grow with excitement. He was sad that no money grew!

Grantanow Sun 26-Feb-23 11:41:44

Being able to see in the dark by fighter pilots eating carrots was a wartime disinformation campaign to fool the Germans that we didn't have aircraft radar. It didn't much fool them (they had radar too) but obviously fooled a lot of us.

Nannan2 Sun 26-Feb-23 11:42:46

Oldnproud- me too! My mum & gran had loads of 'old sayings' as they were called- but i never believed a word.I sometimes caught myself repeating one or two to my kids though, and they never listened to them either!

Grantanow Sun 26-Feb-23 11:43:26


When I asked my Dad why a car had a plate with GB it he explained that when learning you had L plates and the GB was for when you had passed your driving test but were still ‘ getting better’! This was in the early fifties when not many people took their cars overseas.

If GB stands for Getting Better what does the new UK sticker stand for, I wonder?

Purpledaffodil Sun 26-Feb-23 11:55:17

My grandmother told me that if I put my hands in the water that eggs had been boiled in, I would get warts on my hands. Still never use that water for anything!

Annanan Sun 26-Feb-23 12:04:44

When my two daughters were small are used to tell them that the times they heard from the ice cream van was in fact the vicar going on his rounds. They actually believed me and have only just started to forgive me!

Annanan Sun 26-Feb-23 12:05:04

Sorry, CHIMES!

Mazz21 Sun 26-Feb-23 12:13:16

My mum used to ask us if we needed to go to wee before we went out anywhere. If I said no then she’d look me in the face and tell me that she could tell by my eyes that I needed to and
I would then go to wee before we left.
I always believed that there must’ve been wee coming out of my eyes for her to know I had a wee to do!

enabenn Sun 26-Feb-23 12:22:57

I was told if I ate the pips I would get appendicitis

Daddima Sun 26-Feb-23 12:36:29

My father told us ( well, actually told my mother so we would overhear) that, as he was cracking an egg into the frying pan, a chicken flew out, straight through the kitchen window!
My brother and I stood by the cooker every time eggs were being cooked for months!

Chris3 Sun 26-Feb-23 12:48:14

I remembered my mother saying if you eat raw pastry you'll get worms! Trying to stop me eating it obviously but I believed her for a long time 😂

merlin Sun 26-Feb-23 12:48:36

Fascinating thread. The only one I ever remember believing was not to pick dandelions because they would make you wet the bed. That one is very loosely based on fact as dandelion leaves are a diuretic but how did it morph into picking dandelions having that effect?

Mollygo Sun 26-Feb-23 12:52:05


Fascinating thread. The only one I ever remember believing was not to pick dandelions because they would make you wet the bed. That one is very loosely based on fact as dandelion leaves are a diuretic but how did it morph into picking dandelions having that effect?

I remember that too. Also that holding a buttercup under soneone’s chin to see if the yellow was reflected, proved that you liked or disliked butter. One sister didn’t like butter, so we always told her there was no reflection, to keep her happy.

Valels Sun 26-Feb-23 13:01:30

I was extremely thin as a child and my granddad said I should be careful in the bath, if I pulled the plug out while I was still in the water I'd disappear down the plughole - and so started a lifelong fear of plugholes! I can't bring myself to touch one even now, 60 something years later. And don't get me started on those awful, scary baths with the plughole in the middle........I'm shuddering at the thought...

Boolya Sun 26-Feb-23 13:13:46

My mum always told me she was 20 something (she was 34 when I was born!). This was because we had a nosey neighbour and she did not want her to know her real age. I recall saying to mum having established her birth year - how come you are only 29?

4allweknow Sun 26-Feb-23 13:23:51

Eating the crusts on well done (burnt) toast would make me a good singer. Always enjoyed singing, still in a choir so I must have been convinced!