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Win more than £500 of brilliant summer reads *NOW CLOSED*

(962 Posts)
CariGransnet (GNHQ) Tue 12-Jun-18 15:50:26

We've rounded up some of the best books for summer - whether you're jetting off on holiday, or reading in the garden at home.

One lucky person can win everything featured on the page - a book haul worth over £500. Details of all the books HERE and T&Cs HERE We will be picking a winner at random after midday on Monday 23 July.

To enter...simply tell us your favourite and least favourite thing about summer.

rosemac6 Wed 13-Jun-18 07:10:46

I love the sunshine and hate my hayfever

Bellroyd Wed 13-Jun-18 07:15:15

Favourite Thing is spending time in the peace and quiet of The Great Outdoors. Least favourite thing is people spoiling that for me by being loud, brash and inconsiderate to others.

cinabar Wed 13-Jun-18 07:29:50

The best thing is enjoying the garden, seeing the flowers and having barbecues. The worst thing is not being able to sleep at night because of the heat.

hiddenmichelle Wed 13-Jun-18 07:33:36

I love bbqs and the smell of feshly cut grass, but I hate sticky hot nights and not being able to sleep

tigerwibi Wed 13-Jun-18 07:50:16

My favourite thing is the 6 weeks holidays. My least favourite thing is feeling guilty when it is sunny and warm outside but you just want to curl up under a blanket and sir on the sofa.

carol2712 Wed 13-Jun-18 07:50:53

Favourite thing has to be the good weather getting the washing dry outside, spending time in the garden, walking along the beach.
Least favourite hay fever for one but school holidays, have moved by the coast and during school holidays peace is shattered by cars parking all over the place and children running wild, as we all know our own are perfect but other peoples do drive us mad after a certain age.

Alibali Wed 13-Jun-18 08:00:02

Best thing: long, long summer evenings
Worst thing: having to go to work in the sunshine!

lovereading Wed 13-Jun-18 08:13:50

My favourite thing about summer is the longer days so more reading time. My least favourite thing is flies! Grrrrr just grrrrr!

Angelwings Wed 13-Jun-18 08:22:09

My favourite thing about summer is seeing everyone out and about enjoying the better weather and having fun.
My least favourite thing about summer is if it gets too hot and you get sweaty just going outside.

jazbaz1986 Wed 13-Jun-18 08:40:52

I love the longer days and getting to spend more quality time outdoors with my family.
We enjoy going for walks, riding our bikes, beach days and other fun outdoor activities.
I get to enjoy my garden again and I'm looking forward to having many BBQ'S.

kateloader Wed 13-Jun-18 08:41:23

Fave Thing: Not needing to wear socks!
Least Favourite: I have a Sun Allergy so have to be careful on really hot Sunny Days!

DancesWithOtters Wed 13-Jun-18 08:54:35

Least favourite is being woken up by all of the pets at 5am because it's daylight so they think it's breakfast time!

My favourite is the weather.

Funkyferret Wed 13-Jun-18 09:08:15

The light nights that make me feel so much more willing to get on and do things are the best. The incessant noise from the neighbours lawnmowers, strimmers and hedge trimmers are the worst. The gardens aren't even that big but they have enough power to tend to a football pitch!

moonray Wed 13-Jun-18 09:17:52

My favourite thing about summer: we don't use the heating and therefore less money going out.
Least favourite: sun and heat,as I'm very light sensitive and cannot stand heat..oh, and the noise level is so high in the summer!

Lorrilou0161 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:25:56

The most favourite thing about summer is barbecues

The worst thing about summer is hayfever

Geeky Wed 13-Jun-18 09:28:59

I love it being warm and sunny, but I hate the hay fever and runny nose

beccajhills Wed 13-Jun-18 09:35:43

My favourite thing about summer is being able to sit out in my garden with a good book. My least favourite thing is being too hot to sleep at night (though thankfully this is rare in the UK!).

Parsley3 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:41:32

My favourite thing about summer is sitting out in my garden, in the sunshine ? , with a glass of chilled white wine . My least favourite thing is not being able to sit out because it is raining ☔️ cats and dogs.

maciv234 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:43:13

being outdoors more in the garden , the midges

milliepaw Wed 13-Jun-18 09:44:46

Best the sunshine worst wasps

fitwell Wed 13-Jun-18 09:46:33

Seeing all my work planting and put pruning come to life and be enjoyed
Adverts for Christmas sneaking in

toptaffy75 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:51:43

I love the bright colours of nature and the longer light nights. I don't like the heat. I would rather be in the shade reading a book.

Tweety82 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:52:14

My favourite thing about summer is being able to spend time with my family going on day trips and picnics, maybe also having BBQs with good food, good music and lots of laughter. Worst thing.....unpredictable weather

Stormlord Wed 13-Jun-18 09:58:27

The explosion of colour in the garden, on the streets and at the seaside. Seagulls in my chips

SandyD333 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:58:42

My favourite thing is the smell of just lit bbq coals drifting in the breeze promising a fun-filled family feast.

My least favourite thing on a scorching summer's day is when your Mr Whippy ice-cream dribbles down the side of the cone onto your fingers faster than your tongue can keep up with licking it!