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Which one are you?

(160 Posts)
Annecan Sun 03-May-20 08:19:24

Lockdown has worked because, against all expectation, there turned out to be many more Accepters and Sufferers than Resisters (the three pandemic personalities identified by King’s College), in the Uk

From an article in the Spectator
Which group would you put yourself in?

Annecan Mon 04-May-20 09:14:40

I wonder if sufferer or maybe another category could also include
Terrified ...
As in ...don’t want to... can’t... ever leave the house again ??

Summerlove Mon 04-May-20 15:21:40

Not at all surprised that more sufferers are women in a younger bracket. They are working, doing child care, educating and doing the majority of the house work and mental load of the house!

I really feel for those women. They have such a different experience than so many on here.

Yiayia4 Mon 04-May-20 16:34:13

Acceptor but feel too little done to late and worry about phase 2

Zink1 Tue 05-May-20 10:17:02

Accepter, much easier to be an Accepter if your income doesn't take a hit and you have a garden or easy access to open spaces.
I do empathise with Sufferers. Resistors lack ability to think or are just selfish, 'I'm alright Jack's types' - until they get Covid19.

Our next door neighbour have their elderly parents and son's friends visiting. There will always be people who believe they are an exception. Are they resistors?

Tooyoungytobeagrandma Wed 06-May-20 00:11:50

Accepter, furloughed possibly no job to go back to and stuck at home with a stbxh. But there's nothing else to do but accept it, get on and over it and sort out any future problems as they come along ?‍♀️

Shropshirelass Sun 10-May-20 07:38:04

Accepter, definitely.

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 10-May-20 10:00:28

I'm an Accepter - it's temporary after all. I don't enjoy having to queue to get in and out of the supermarket but the quieter roads are lovely - though they're not as quiet as they used to be. I don't lead a massively busy social life so on a personal level am not really inconvenienced.

There's an underlying sadness because of so many deaths.

Franbern Sun 10-May-20 11:01:14

Perhaps it could be said that those people who are having some relatives visiting - are the real Acceptors.
Accepting the reality of the situation, that prior to a vaccine, many of us will get this virus over the next few months
Stay at home was panic reaction to prevent NHS being over-whelmed, never a long-term solution.

Norah Mon 11-May-20 18:17:06

Accepting seem to be the way forward.