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Long shot! Magazine story from ` Jackie` years ago! Hardly culture but...

(59 Posts)
suzette1613 Sun 27-Oct-19 16:26:08

This must have been in the `60s or early `70s.

I read one of their soppy stories about a girl musing that she was `the queen of the castle`. Throughout the story she quoted lines from a (made up?) poem about a castle in Spain. It has been on my mind ever since, obviously I didn`t keep my copy.
I would love to know the full poem. Did any other GNs get this magazine then or remember the story?

Evie64 Mon 28-Oct-19 20:46:26

I started with Bunty. Used to cut out the dolly on the back page and the clothes and dress her. I graduated to Jackie, felt very grown up. Does anyone remember Reveille and Titbits? My uncle used to read them and hand them onto my dad. I remember feeling embarrassed by the name "Titbits" blush

suzette1613 Tue 29-Oct-19 07:47:59

Yes I saw it thanks Pennypie and Notneccesarilywiser,

Not that one, it was more like a `Ride a cock horse` type of poem, I expect I shall never find it!

I kept some old copies of Jackie for ages but threw them away some years ago. Would have been fascinating to reread them now.

I also burnt all my teenage diaries, wish I hadn`t as I wouldn`t be embarrassed about them nowadays!

Photocrazy Tue 29-Oct-19 13:53:31

I had June and Schoolfriend but am sure I would have really liked Jackie.

MissAdventure Tue 29-Oct-19 22:40:04

My curiosity (nosy parker!) has got the better of me.

Can I ask why you're looking for that particular poem, please?

Tell me to sod off if it's personal. smile

suzette1613 Fri 01-Nov-19 09:36:33

I don`t know really, MissAdventure!

It isn`t the story in the magazine, it`s just snippets of the poem in it that have stayed with me all these years, I love poetry and it intrigued me. You know when lines keep popping in your head for no reason? I also liked the imagery at the time..`The queen of a castle in Spain` and it`s description.

I supposed I shall be none the wiser for a good few years more!

GrandmaKT Fri 01-Nov-19 09:56:12

Did you try the Fans of Jackie Magazine facebook page OP? I've just had a quick peep and there are over 1000 members - one of them might just remember your story!

suzette1613 Fri 01-Nov-19 09:58:59

Thanks GrandmaKT, I don`t do facebook but that`s something I can ask younger family members about.

natasha1 Sun 03-Nov-19 20:05:07

Remember the quizzes and posters most, David Essex, David Cassidy for me and give all Osmond posters to my friend, also the Cathy and Claire problem page, about spots and kissing, imagine kissing!
Loved it, still love mags but more of a woman and home, or hello at the hairdressers, looking at celebrity weddings etc, some I know some I don't.