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Frightened I will never see her or overcome this block

(253 Posts)
SallyB392 Tue 07-Apr-20 08:14:20

My youngest daughter stopped communication way back in 2012. She was very angry with her Dad and I, though we never really understood what she's angry about. We have tried apologising, trying to gently suggest moving on, proposing family counselling, as well as simply giving her space.

With this virus, my daughter is very high risk due to severe disability, her husband is a member of front line staff. I have tried contacting both,offering any help they might need, and pleading for some form of rapprochement, with the same result as always........nothing!

I know it's selfish of me but I so need that contact, to know that she is well, to help if I'm able. It's breaking my heart.

LeeElizabeth Fri 12-Jun-20 23:35:16

I wish my daughter would stop avoiding me. She has a mental illness and I worry about her all the time.

Smileless2012 Sat 13-Jun-20 10:15:58

You hadn't mentioned your D's mental health in your other posts LeeElizabeth and this may present an added complication to your situation.