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Abuse from son

(55 Posts)
Madwoman11 Wed 07-Jul-21 11:52:54

My son is 44 and has been in prison many times although not recently. He has some mental health problems but nothing that would prevent him working but he lives on hard working tax payers money.
His problems are fuelled by drug and alcohol abuse in all honesty.
He recently called me a disgusting name beginning with C, and I have had enough. He has in the past come and broken all my windows. He doesn't live with me but I feel threatened, and he takes no notice of warnings from the police.
I'm exhausted by his constant demands and I am ashamed to call him my son.
I must emphasis once again the main problem is drug and alcohol abuse, which gets him into trouble and causes aggressive behaviour.
I don't want to live like this anymore I want to enjoy my latter years in peace.
No amount of help from myself or others has made any difference at all, because he never changes.

Armadillo Sat 17-Jul-21 16:06:08

You should never feel ashamed or wrong for estranging abusive people. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel safe and get counselling to help you deal with the emotions that come from having to estrange a family member, it's incredibly hard to do but you deserve to be happy again

rascal Sat 17-Jul-21 16:42:42

So sorry about this Madwoman11. There is Hourglass, Safer ageing - Stopping abuse. Here is the info: Helpline 0808 808 8141.
[email protected]
I hope you can get some help with this flowers

Allsorts Sat 17-Jul-21 20:19:11

This will never end unless you do.

Madwoman11 Sun 18-Jul-21 20:20:01

rascal (and everyone else for their kindness) thanks for the information. All is calm atm, and I have heard nothing - long may it last