Gransnet forums


Limericks - 2

(1001 Posts)
Bellanonna Wed 13-Dec-17 10:27:19

There once was a three legged dog
Who tried to catch a big frog
But it was to speedy
And the dog being needy
It hopped off into the bog

There once was a Santa called Joe

Rosieroe Sat 17-Feb-18 17:48:49

Sadie’s baby was really quite strange
It looked as if it might have mange

jordana Sat 17-Feb-18 18:26:58

Sadie’s baby was really quite strange
It looked as if it might have mange
Her hair was quite sparse

Luckygirl Sat 17-Feb-18 19:24:17

Sadie’s baby was really quite strange
It looked as if it might have mange
Her hair was quite sparse
And as for her arse

Jangran99 Sat 17-Feb-18 22:14:17

Sadie’s baby was really quite strange
It looked as if it might have mange
Her hair was quite sparse
And as for her arse
The stench was enough to derange.

I call him my' current 'husband,

Bellanonna Sat 17-Feb-18 22:47:49

I call him my’ current ‘ husband,
You see I’ve had four beforehand

Jangran99 Sat 17-Feb-18 22:55:53

I call him my’ current ‘ husband,
You see I’ve had four beforehand
If he's not up to scratch

Bellanonna Sat 17-Feb-18 22:59:37

I call him my’ current ‘ husband,
You see I’ve had four beforehand
If he's not up to scratch
He’ll join the last batch

Jangran99 Sun 18-Feb-18 08:05:25

I call him my’ current ‘ husband,
You see I’ve had four beforehand
If he's not up to scratch
He’ll join the last batch
My wish must be his command

Young Susie was so hard to please

travelsafar Sun 18-Feb-18 08:41:05

Young Susie was so hard to please
To all boys she's a terrible tease

henetha Sun 18-Feb-18 10:24:46

Young Susie was so hard to please
To all boys she's a terrible tease
She shows them her knickers

Bellanonna Sun 18-Feb-18 11:55:48

Young Susie was so hard to please
To all boys she's a terrible tease
She shows them her knickers
And shocks all the vicars

MissAdventure Sun 18-Feb-18 12:01:08

Young Susie was so hard to please
To all boys she's a terrible tease
She shows them her knickers
And shocks all the vicars
But she does have exquisite knees

There was a most fantastic lady

Squiffy Sun 18-Feb-18 13:26:35

There was a most fantastic lady
Who laiked things so neat and taidy

Elrel Sun 18-Feb-18 16:16:32

There was a most fantastic lady
Who laiked things so neat and taidy
But her many possessions

nanna123 Sun 18-Feb-18 16:36:14

led to a manic obsession
with matters decidedly shadey!

nanna123 Sun 18-Feb-18 16:36:54

My elderly sister called Lucy

Squiffy Sun 18-Feb-18 16:46:03

My elderly sister called Lucy
Lives in an enormous hoosey

Rosieroe Sun 18-Feb-18 17:42:44

There was a most fantastic lady
Whose background was slightly shady

NannyTee Sun 18-Feb-18 20:39:48

My elderly sister called Lucy
Lives in an enormous hoosey
The rooms are so vast

JoyBloggs Sun 18-Feb-18 21:49:20

My elderly sister called Lucy
Lives in an enormous hoosey
The rooms are so vast
I feel quite aghast

Elrel Mon 19-Feb-18 01:11:46

My elderly sister called Lucy
Lives in an enormous hoosey
The rooms are so vast
I feel quite aghast
She copes by getting boozey!

There was an old woman from Hull

NannyTee Mon 19-Feb-18 01:49:50

There was an old woman from Hull
In her garden she kept a big bull

travelsafar Mon 19-Feb-18 08:00:08

There was an old woman from Hull
In her garden she kept a big bull
He's an Aberdeen Angus and gorgeous

henetha Mon 19-Feb-18 12:28:51

There was an old woman from Hull
In her garden she kept a big bull
He's an Aberdeen Angus and gorgeous
His dangly bits are really enormous

Bathsheba Mon 19-Feb-18 14:44:19

There was an old woman from Hull
In her garden she kept a big bull
He's an Aberdeen Angus and gorgeous
His dangly bits are really enormous
His coat used fifty kilos of wool!

My son has just bought a new puppy

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