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(1001 Posts)
Jangran99 Mon 30-Apr-18 18:46:12

New starter

We seem to enjoy writing rhyme

FarNorth Wed 02-May-18 12:00:46

Today is a day for hot soup
To keep me from starting to droop

Squiffy Wed 02-May-18 13:27:02

Today is a day for hot soup
To keep me from starting to droop
I'll don thicker socks

Panache Wed 02-May-18 17:26:36

With sunshine the forecaste for our Mayday treats
Perhaps it bodes well for those nice family "meets"

Jangran99 Wed 02-May-18 21:04:00

Today is a day for hot soup
To keep me from starting to droop
I'll don thicker socks
A woolly hat o'er my locks

FarNorth Thu 03-May-18 00:35:05

Today is a day for hot soup
To keep me from starting to droop
I'll don thicker socks
A woolly hat o'er my locks
And with joy, you will not hear me whoop.

There once was a dog who ate carpet

travelsafar Thu 03-May-18 07:35:37

There once was a dog who ate carpet
He's a naughty little varmit!!

Panache Thu 03-May-18 08:35:00

There once was a dog who ate carpet
He's a naughty little varmit!!
His tummy was extended

henetha Thu 03-May-18 10:11:25

There once was a dog who ate carpet
He's a naughty little varmit!!
His tummy was extended
And his legs rather bended

Panache Thu 03-May-18 10:27:00

There once was a dog who ate carpet
He's a naughty little varmit!!
His tummy was extended
And his legs rather bended
Though the pain passed when he f...ted!

Sunshine heralds a rush to the coast

Barberdice Thu 03-May-18 10:59:12

Sunshine heralds a rush to the coast
Beside the sea is what I love most

Bellanonna Thu 03-May-18 11:04:49

Sunshine heralds a rush to the coast
Beside the sea is what I love most
I stretch out on the sand

JackyB Thu 03-May-18 11:45:02

Sunshine heralds a rush to the coast
Beside the sea is what I love most
I stretch out on the sand
In the hope I'll get tanned

Panache Thu 03-May-18 14:27:04

Sunshine heralds a rush to the coast
Beside the sea is what I love most
I stretch out on the sand
In the hope I'll get tanned
Just a nice bronze, not like burnt toast!

When wearing these sun factor creams

Elrel Thu 03-May-18 16:49:15

When wearing these sun factor creams
A deep tan is no longer our dreams

Barberdice Thu 03-May-18 20:33:41

When wearing these sun factor creams
A deep tan is no longer our dreams
Just need to look healthy

Elrel Fri 04-May-18 00:35:04

When wearing these sun factor creams
A deep tan is no longer our dreams
Just need to look healthy
Not celebrity wealthy

Jangran99 Fri 04-May-18 01:00:10

When wearing these sun factor creams
A deep tan is no longer our dreams
Just need to look healthy
Not celebrity wealthy
Even if falling apart at the seamssunshine

Seems I might need a sun hat this weekend

Barberdice Fri 04-May-18 07:21:34

Seems I might need a sun hat this weekend
Think my sister has one she can lend

Panache Fri 04-May-18 08:45:48

Seems I might need a sun hat this weekend
Think my sister has one she can lend
A long cool drink at hand

FarNorth Fri 04-May-18 09:32:08

Seems I might need a sun hat this weekend
Think my sister has one she can lend
A long cool drink at hand
Relaxation is planned

henetha Fri 04-May-18 11:37:48

Seems I might need a sun hat this weekend
Think my sister has one she can lend
A long cool drink at hand
Relaxation is planned,
A siesta in the garden is what I intend.

I applied fake tan to my legs today

Panache Fri 04-May-18 11:55:27

I applied fake tan to my legs today
Knowing that they will be on display

Jangran99 Fri 04-May-18 13:53:22

I applied fake tan to my legs today
Knowing that they will be on display
I don't want them pasty

Panache Fri 04-May-18 15:17:54

I applied fake tan to my legs today
Knowing that they will be on display
I don't want them pasty
`Cos they look so ghastly

Barberdice Fri 04-May-18 18:32:04

I applied fake tan to my legs today
Knowing that they will be on display
I don't want them pasty
Cos they look so ghastly
And they could scare the sunshine away!

It's getting nearer to the wedding date

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