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Limericks 10

(1001 Posts)
Jangran99 Wed 21-Aug-19 08:09:49

Carrying on from 8

He fell from the tree to the ground
Paul had ear muffs, didn`t hear a sound
He found Saul all of a heap
He was having a weep,
Climbing is dangerous , he found

crazyH Wed 18-Sep-19 16:27:03

Moving away from the subject of food,
Kids? Let me tell you about my brood
I've got a baker's dozen

Jangran99 Wed 18-Sep-19 17:28:02

Moving away from the subject of food
Kids? let me tell you about my brood
I have two girls and a boy
Not always a joy

callgirl1 Wed 18-Sep-19 23:48:34

Moving away from the subject of food
Kids? let me tell you about my brood
I have two girls and a boy
Not always a joy
Especially when they`re being rude.

They say that manners maketh the man,

lovebeigecardigans1955 Thu 19-Sep-19 10:06:32

They say that manners maketh the man
That's what she'd say, my old Victorian nan

crazyH Thu 19-Sep-19 13:20:24

They say that manners maketh the man
That's what she'd say, my old Victorian Nan
She ruled the roost

Jangran99 Fri 20-Sep-19 00:29:06

They say that manners maketh the man
That's what she'd say, my old Victorian Nan
She ruled the roost
And so produced

crazyH Fri 20-Sep-19 01:02:33

They say that manners maketh the man
That's what she'd say, my old Victorian Nan
She ruled the roost
And so produced
A brood that to her tunes would dance.

I wish my Victorian Nan would visit

BradfordLass72 Fri 20-Sep-19 09:06:11

I wish my Victorian Nan would visit
As a ghost? 'Cor Blimey, what is it?

lovebeigecardigans1955 Fri 20-Sep-19 11:04:12

I wish my Victorian Nan would visit
As a ghost? 'Cor blimey, what is it?
Will she glide through the walls?

crazyH Fri 20-Sep-19 12:12:06

I wish my Victorian Nan would visit
As a ghost? 'Cor blimey, what is it?
Will she glide through the walls?
And start playing with my dolls

Elrel Fri 20-Sep-19 18:13:44

I wish my Victorian Nan would visit
As a ghost? 'Cor blimey, what is it?
Will she glide through the walls?
And start playing with my dolls
Or say “The world’s a mess, innit?!’

We’re needing a change in our Climate

Grannycool52 Fri 20-Sep-19 19:19:46

We're needing a change in our climate
Global warming, it really is time that....

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sat 21-Sep-19 08:47:32

We're needing a change in our climate
Global warming, it really is time that ...
We swanned about in sarongs

henetha Sat 21-Sep-19 10:01:20

We're needing a change in our climate
Global warming, it really is time that ...
We swanned about in sarongs
With pretty bras and thongs

Grannycool52 Sat 21-Sep-19 20:00:33

We're needing a change in our climate
Global warming, it really is time that...
We swanned about in sarongs
With pretty bras and thongs
And each in our pantomime hat.

The world has gone quite bonkers, you see

callgirl1 Sat 21-Sep-19 23:54:05

The world has gone quite bonkers, you see
Although some folks say it`s only me!

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 22-Sep-19 08:20:32

The world has gone quite bonkers, you see
Although some folks say it's only me!
I take no notice of them

crazyH Sun 22-Sep-19 11:34:08

The world has gone quite bonkers, you see
Although some folks say it's only me!
I take no notice of them
I bring frivolity to some

BradfordLass72 Sun 22-Sep-19 12:31:18

The world has gone quite bonkers, you see
Although some folks say it's only me!
I take no notice of them
I bring frivolity to some
By wearing a clown suit to tea

My garden is blooming with Freesias

crazyH Sun 22-Sep-19 15:21:19

My garden is blooming with Freesias
I like them, but I can be capricious

Oldandverygrey Sun 22-Sep-19 18:08:07

My garden is blooming with Freesias
I like them but I can be capricious
My husband favours the Stocks

crazyH Sun 22-Sep-19 19:58:23

My garden is blooming with Freesias
I like them but I can be capricious
My husband favours the Stocks
Me? I prefer hollyhocks

callgirl1 Sun 22-Sep-19 23:21:37

My garden is blooming with Freesias
I like them but I can be capricioius
My husband favours the stocks
Me? I prefer hollyhocks
But my strawberries are really delicious

I`m a baker, but not a cake maker,

crazyH Sun 22-Sep-19 23:47:06

I`m a baker, but not a cake maker,
My sponge sinks, forming a crater

henetha Mon 23-Sep-19 10:06:05

I`m a baker, but not a cake maker,
My sponge sinks, forming a crater
So I fill it with cream

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