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Grandchildren moving to Australia

(45 Posts)
Suieww Fri 11-Nov-22 14:52:01

Hello, I'm very new to this and rather out of my comfort zone. Our DD is moving to Australia next month (2 weeks before Christmas) with DGS DGD aged 11 and 8 and SIL. We are absolutely devastated at them going, we have cared for them a day every week since they were born. Lockdown was terrible for our DD who was classed as vulnerable due to chronic asthma, so didn't venture out for weeks. Worked from home with a very stressful job. with 2 kids at home and SiL working out of the home each day. She was then made redundant and has decided to move to Australia. I quite understand why they want to go. But I'm just broken, I have been on antidepressants for some time and they stop the tears and over thinking. We have spent the last year making great memories with the kids. But the thought of a future without them in it seems so dire. Everyone just says 'oh you will be able to have some lovely holidays' with them. I want to shout 'I don't want a B holiday with them' Does this sound irrational? I would never ever stop them going and should be very proud that we have raised a wonderful independent daughter. But not seeing our 2 amazing grandkids is breaking my heart. My husband feels the same but is much more under control emotionally than me. I'm typing this with tears pouring down my cheeks. I have a very active life and evil sense of humour and lots of friends, who are very supportive, and I can put on a brave face when needed. I'm hoping that someone may just have the right words to give me relief and to get me over this hurdle...... Please don't suggest the trip to see them!!!! I know we will in time as it will be good to see where they lay their heads at night and possibly sooner rather than later, as it may be a wonderful experience. Thank you for reading this

NotSpaghetti Sun 18-Jun-23 09:24:17

This is interesting - even for Grandparents in the same country!

After much soul searching and severe talkings to myself when jealous of the in-laws, I have turned it around to be grateful she has loving family around her for support

This is SO true.
Be grateful someone who loves them has the time and energy to do what you cannot.

Apricity Sun 18-Jun-23 11:24:31

It is the way of the world now and probably was ever thus. Most of our family live in Australia but son and his family live in Scandinavia. Time moves on and basically it is what is. It hurts but if they are happy and have a good life you make the best of it - somehow! 💐

sodapop Sun 18-Jun-23 12:38:02

Your feelings are understandable suieww and I know how devastated you must be at the moment. It takes time to come to terms with your family moving so far away so don't be afraid to grieve for what might have been. Then you need to move on from that and be proud of your daughter and her family for making a new and hopefully better life for themselves in Australia.
You are aware of all the ways of keeping in touch so don't discount them, my daughter moved to America with her husband 30 years ago, no Internet contact then just airmail and telephone.
You have friends and your husband around to enjoy your life with, you will feel better about it eventually believe me,

PamelaJ1 Sun 18-Jun-23 13:21:52

Suieww your grandchildren will have been in Australia now for 6months. How are you feeling now?

nanna8 Sun 18-Jun-23 13:40:01

When we emigrated it was 10 years before any of us could visit
the UK and then I took 2 of our children because we couldn’t afford to take them all. My husband stayed home with the others. It is going the same way with Australian airfares and the price gouging which is going on since Covid, not enough competition.

Calendargirl Sun 18-Jun-23 13:45:07

My DD married an Australian nearly 22 years ago. They have 3 grandchildren, 2 working, 1 still at college.

We visited every year when the children were small, taking 3 weeks of precious holiday off work.

Covid interrupted this, we haven’t been for 5 years now, what’s stopping us is they all just seem so busy now, with work and different lifestyles to when the children were small, and DD was a stay-at-home mum. Now she works also, and although I hope she would be pleased to see us, having mum and dad over for a three week holiday is not the same as it used to be. Plus with FaceTime and similar, it’s not a case of not seeing her as such.

We don’t know our Aussie GC as well as we know our son’s teenagers, who live locally, but at 18 and 15, we don’t feature half as much in their lives as we did years ago, when we were more needed and dare I say useful.

DD is 50 next year, I hope we get over to see them then, as DH and I are of course getting older, and you realise time is racing by.

I too, wish she lived in Europe say, just three or four hours flight away. That would be great.

Finally, I used to get so fed up in Lockdown when other GP’s, here on GN and elsewhere, bemoaned the fact they had been apart from families for weeks on end.

I felt like saying “Join the club!”

Suieww Thu 23-Nov-23 11:04:14

This time last year I was in bits as my DD and family were emigrating to Australia. So many of you messaged me with such wonderful support. 1 year on, I'm fine, we visited for 4 weeks and had the most amazing time, fantastic sunsets, they are living the best life they could ever hope for. 10 mins walk to the beach, wonderful schools and they are all so very happy, kids doing all sorts of sports including Little Nippers lifeguard training. I'm extremely happy for them and the void has lessened, I message the kids often, they don't always see my messages, but eventually they do. We are going again next year. So yes my lovely people you were right it does get easier. My most grateful thanks to you all.

Calendargirl Thu 23-Nov-23 11:10:00

Glad to see this year looks so much brighter Suieww.

We all just want our families to be happy don’t we?

Desdemona Thu 23-Nov-23 11:19:17

It might not be forever. They might decide Australia is not for them after all and come home. xx

NotSpaghetti Thu 23-Nov-23 12:49:40

So pleased to hear the "void has lessened"
I think that if you are able to visit once you are able to imagine their lives so much better and it feels a bit more "ordinary".

I confess to (still) occasionally walking along my distant children's roads on Google maps though... 🙄

nanna8 Thu 23-Nov-23 13:00:19

Thanks for letting us know how you are going Suieww and so glad you are feeling better now.

Skydancer Thu 23-Nov-23 14:39:32

Remember there is always a chance they will not stay. Many return.

crazyH Thu 23-Nov-23 14:50:28

Suieww - glad your spirits have lifted xx

Natsbenson Sun 26-Nov-23 17:37:41

My DD and two GK emigrating to Australia in 10 days.SIL already gone 2 weeks ago as it's a sponsored job off he got.
Happy for them but also gutted.
We want to go to the airport to see them off but DD doesn't want us she thinks GK of 5 might get upset.he doesn't really understand that he won't see grandma and grandad for ages though.We would just make it a fun time and then prob cry after we've left them.
Are we right to insist we go to the airport.

Callistemon21 Sun 26-Nov-23 17:42:05

I confess to (still) occasionally walking along my distant children's roads on Google maps though ...

Yes, it's really interesting 🙂
However, I tried that with a house they were renting for a while because I wanted to see what it was like, but it hadn't been built when Google mapped that road!
We did stay there once afterwards.

Callistemon21 Sun 26-Nov-23 17:43:57


My DD and two GK emigrating to Australia in 10 days.SIL already gone 2 weeks ago as it's a sponsored job off he got.
Happy for them but also gutted.
We want to go to the airport to see them off but DD doesn't want us she thinks GK of 5 might get upset.he doesn't really understand that he won't see grandma and grandad for ages though.We would just make it a fun time and then prob cry after we've left them.
Are we right to insist we go to the airport.

Are we right to insist we go to the airport.?

I don't know what's best, but I'd be guided by them.

NotSpaghetti Sun 26-Nov-23 18:06:45

No, Natsbenson don't go to the airport!
Why make it harder for them?

Download the live flight tracker and wave them off in your heart ❤️
I have learned to do this.
They really do not want anyone at the airport.

silverlining48 Sun 26-Nov-23 18:32:21

Thanks for coming back to us. I remember your post Suiww and pleased all seems to be ok with you and your family.

Luvsggs Sat 23-Dec-23 19:39:19

I can't stop crying.
I have a very strained relationship with my son, for many years, I guilt parented him as I left his father for another man. He is very disrespectful to me calling me by my first name and tells me to f off when we don't see eye to eye and that I treat him like a child , I am probably to involved in his Life and I've tried backing right off but our relationship is so toxic ,
My son is now 30 and father to his 3 yr old son
He recently separated from the boys mum,which caused him to suffer from depression, anger,unable to stay employed , suicidal and now on antidepressants the last 6 months have been hell. he refuses to get help, he blames everyone else for his life choices, he smokes lot of pot as well, he became violent breaking into her house drunk after being told that a guy was seen going to her house at night,he and the guy ended up fighting with my son coming out second best, police are involved but no charges laid because his x didn't want to press charges (at least 3 yrs jail if it goes to court) she still has the statement that if she signs then charges of assault breaking and entering etc , with my help he moved to Australia to his sister's to sort his life out, although no professional help for his mental health issues he's has kept his job and is finally getting his bills etc sorted
His ex partner is finding it difficult to afford the basics for the boy( my son hasn't paid any money towards his sons upkeep)he rang her yesterday to sort out payments with the conversation turning to asking my son to have him for 3 months while she gets her life together ( she has some mental health issues too).
My son is over the moon that he is getting his son and told me on pH that now he has the power not his x or me.
I've looked after my grandson throughout his life while his parents worked having him most days, even more since the seperation as he's a delicate soul I'm very worried about how he's going to be with his dad .
My son loves his boy I know he's physically safe with him, I'm just so worried about his mental health.
Please does anyone have any thoughts/ideas on this situation.