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Who represents the real Tory Party?

(79 Posts)
Whitewavemark2 Sun 07-Jul-19 08:24:53

It will come as no surprise to some that I am not a natural Tory supporter, but I have been giving the Tory party some thought lately and particularly after seeing the Hard Talk programme with John Major, that the Tory party has become unrecognisable over the past 3or 4 years.

Listening to Major I completely recognised the traditional One nation Tory, whose values are bedded in the United Kingdom, family and a sound economy. In fact I felt surprisingly nostalgic. But it seems to me that this party has now been taken over by an ideology that is so far from this as to be unrecognisable.
These ideologues have dragged the party far to the right, and with each small success drags it even further.

So those who are left are having either to troop along in their wake or perhaps stand and make a fight for the party they once knew and loved.

I hope that they find the back bone to say “no more”

janipat Tue 09-Jul-19 10:02:44

Im64 Good post, but contains one inaccuracy, it was not the woman's partner/boyfriend who shot her, but another woman with whom she was arguing about said boyfriend ( father of the baby). The shooter was originally charged but the grand jury decided she was provoked into shooting in self defence ( against an unarmed pregnant woman!) and so the pregnant woman was charged, having been deemed to have caused and prolonged the argument.

Callistemon Tue 09-Jul-19 10:03:32

Iam64 a thoughtful and thought-provoking post.

Iam64 Tue 09-Jul-19 10:11:19

Thanks janipat for that clarification. I was abroad last week with intermittent WiFi so missed that point.